Norway Finland facts
While investigating facts about Norway Finland Sweden and Norway Finland Border, I found out little known, but curios details like:
International students can attend for free all public colleges in Germany, Iceland, Norway and Finland; many have programs taught 100% in English; and the average tuition at colleges throughout Europe is $2,225/year.
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Norway, Sweden, and Finland together are NOT Scandinavia, but are Fennoscandia; Scandinavia actually comprises Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, NOT Finland
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do you call norway sweden and finland. Here are 38 of the best facts about Norway Finland Sweden Map and Norway Finland Map I managed to collect.
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Women of Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway have on average the world’s largest breasts
There is a "corruption index" that measures the most and least corrupt countries; four of the top ten "least corrupt"---Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway---are Nordic countries
Finland is classified as the most sustainable state in the world, followed by Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
Norway is considering moving it's border 40 meters to give Finland a mountain as its 100th birthday present, the peak would also become Finland's highest point.
Norway almost gave Finland a mountain as a birthday gift
Windows were broken in Norway and Finland when the biggest nuclear bomb ever(Tsar Bomba), was detonated by russia 560 miles away. That would be the distance from Atlanta Georgia to Columbus Ohio.
In Europe the lyre was known by a variety of names (with variations), including the gue or cruit in Scotland; the rote or crowd in England; the crwth in Wales; the giga in Norway; the talharpa in Estonia; the jouhikko in Finland; the Lira in Poland; the chorus in Latin; and the rotte, crotte, or Anglo-Saxon lyre in Continental Europe.
Norway was going to give the peak of the 1330-metre-tall Mount Halti to Finland, but dropped the proposal because Norway's constitution describes the country as "indivisible".
Four countries make all their tax returns public by posting them online: Pakistan, Sweden, Norway and Finland
Norway wanted to give Finland a mountain for its 100th birthday
Norway Finland data charts
For your convenience take a look at Norway Finland figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Ascension Day is a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Vanuatu.
There is a point where Sweden, Finland, and Norway meet, but it's in a lake. A Treriksröset was built to commemorate it and you can visit all three countries by walking on a little bridge. - source
The entire population of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark), if lined up one and one like in a concert, could fit into a single square mile.
If Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland formed a Nordic Federation, they could be the world's 10th largest economy. - source
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It takes as low as 3 months to educate a Police Officer in the U.S., compared to 3 years in Norway and Finland
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Faces of Death is often billed as Banned in 40+ Countries, but actually it has only been banned (at least temporarily) in Australia, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom despite several of the human death scenes and one depicting a monkey being killed are obvious fakes.
By the strictest definition, Scandinavia is composed solely of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Finland and Iceland are, however, part of the Nordic countries.
The Sami people are an Arctic indigenous people inhabiting far northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of Russia. They are the only internationally recognized indigenous people in Scandinavia.
So many people visiting Sweden, Norway, and Finland stole road warning signs about moose that generic warning signs were put up in their place
The Allies, in an attempt to respond to the 1939 invasion of Finland by the Soviet Union, were denied transit rights through Norway and Sweden by their respective governments. Had they consented, France and Great Britain would have found themselves at war with both the Soviets and Nazis.