Duck Hunt facts
While investigating facts about Duck Hunting Gear and Duck Hunting Waders, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Duck Hunt works by flashing the screen black when you shoot, except where there are ducks, and a photodiode in the barrel of the gun either picks up the lit area where the ducks are, or it doesn't, which determines whether your shot hit or missed.
how duck hunt works?
The inventor of the GameBoy and Duck Hunt, Gunpei Yokoi, died in his fifties after rear ending someone and then being hit by a car when he went to check on them.
What duck hunting shotgun?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what duck hunter. Here are 41 of the best facts about Duck Hunting Boats and Duck Hunt Game I managed to collect.
what's duck hunting?
That the NES game Duck Hunt had a multiplayer option in which the second person controlled the duck.
Nintendo had produced a physical toy version of duck hunt in 1976, a full 8 Years before the original game came out
The US Post Office sells a $25 stamp that's required for duck hunting. The proceeds go to conservation efforts.
A Texan gun manufacturer turned a real Glock into the Nintendo gun from 'Duck Hunt'
Light guns (like the one used in the NES "Duck Hunt" game) were invented and used in arcade games since the 1930s.
Peregrine falcon is a carnivore which hunts and eats various songbirds, ducks, bats, rabbits and rodents. It catches the prey in the mid-air or collects it from the ground.
The duck hunt gun on original Nintendo was just a button and a light sensor.
Major predators of tadpoles are ducks and fish, while cats hunt and eat adult agile frogs.
Duck Hunt released in 1984 for the NES is among the best-selling games of all-time having sold over 28 million copies
Nintendo released a physical version of Duck Hunt years before the NES came out. Players used a Light Gun to shoot at projections of Ducks on the wall, making the duck Nintendo's oldest character
Duck Hunt data charts
For your convenience take a look at Duck Hunt figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about duck hunt?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Poodle is proficient swimmer with excellent water-retrieving skills. It was often used for hunting of ducks in the past. Thanks to its athletic nature and great agility, it can accomplish excellent results on the competitions in agility, tracking and herding.
People do not hunt Mandarin duck for its meat because it does not have pleasant taste.
Brown Rats on the island of Norderoog in the North Sea have been Observed Stalking and Killing Sparrows and Ducks, therefore demonstrating socially acquired hunting behaviours. - source
Common frog has plenty of natural enemies because of its small size. Fish and birds usually hunt tadpoles and eggs, while stoats, weasels, gulls, ducks, storks, herons and snakes prey on adult frogs.
The "Standard Poodle" dog breed was originally bread for duck hunting, is classified as a Retriever by the North American Hunting Retriever Association, and that the United Kennel Club officially classifies it as a "Sporting Breed" - source
What to wear when duck hunting?
You *absolutely can* shoot the Duck Hunt Dog in Duck Hunt Arcade.
How duck hunt gun works?
The name of the dog from Duck Hunt is Mr. Peepers.
In Nintendo's Duck Hunt, you can control the ducks with the player 2 controller
that in the 1930s after Frank Schutt, General Manager of The Peabody hotel in Memphis, returned from a hunting trip he thought it would be funny to place some his live duck decoys in the Peabody fountain. Thus began a Peabody tradition which was to become internationally famous.
The second player controller in Duck Hunt controlled the damn ducks.
An arcade follow-up to Duck Hunt allowed players to shoot the dog “accidentally' during a bonus round, much to the joy of gamers.