Xbox 360 facts
While investigating facts about Xbox 360 Games and Xbox 360 Controller, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The US Navy replaced expensive and clunky periscope controls on submarines with Xbox 360 controllers, which reduced training time from hours to minutes
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The space shuttle flew 135 missions with a flight computer that had less than 1% of the computing power as an XBox 360.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what xbox 360 games play on xbox one. Here are 50 of the best facts about Xbox 360 Price and Xbox 360 Emulator I managed to collect.
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The Xbox 360's "Red Ring of Death" problem was so widespread that, in 2007, more than 30% of consoles failed. Repairs cost Microsoft $1.15 billion.
When Microsoft started manufacturing the Xbox 360, 68% of them were defective right out of the line. The main processor of the console had an 84% defect rate out of the line.
The 'Red Ring of Death' cost Microsoft $1.15 billion to provide repairs for Xbox 360 owners, to which the Microsoft CEO said, "Do it."
Microsoft paid 75 million dollars to Rockstar games in order to get Grand Theft Auto IV on their Xbox 360 and prevent from being exclusive to Sony's PlayStation 3
In March 2014, A 5 year old found a bug in the Xbox 360 and Microsoft gave him the title of Security Researcher.
The energy cost of performing one bitcoin transaction is 298 kilowatt hours: the equivalent of powering nearly 10 houses for an entire day, or gaming on an Xbox 360 for almost 2000 hours.
Microsoft did not believe that Halo would be a big success for the Xbox.
Xbox 360 models included the Xbox 360 Core, Xbox 360 Arcade, Xbox 360 Premium, Xbox 360 Elite, Xbox 360 Slim, and Xbox 360 E.
Xbox 360 was first launched in Canada and the U.S., then Europe, then Japan, followed by other countries.
When trying to redesign the Xbox 360 controller for the Xbox One, Microsoft had more than 200 prototypes created.
Xbox 360 data charts
For your convenience take a look at Xbox 360 figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why xbox 360 wont read disc by examining the linked well-known sources.
Nintendo Wii has gone on to be a major market leader in the console demographic of gamers. It has accomplished this despite being less powerful than the Sony PlayStation 3 and the Microsoft Xbox 360.
It is estimated that every Xbox 360 console owner purchased an average of 7.5 games.
Accessories for the Xbox 360 included headsets, custom faceplates, wired controllers, wireless controllers, a steering wheel, a webcam, dance mats, memory units, and hard drives.
Xbox 360 console owners could access groove Music which had 30 million music tracks. The songs were available through subscription or through single purchases.
Metracritic and GameSpot both awarded Modern Warfare 2 the Best Xbox 360 Game for 2009.
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Sony inadvertently funded IBM's expensive Cell chip development for the XBOX 360
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Xbox 360 came with Xbox Live Free but users could upgrade with a premium service for additional features.
It is estimated that there were approximately 70 million Xbox 360 consoles sold.
The Xbox 360 version of the game Cars-Race-O-Rama, released in 2009, has an achievement for unlocking all other achievements. Since that achievement is itself an achievement, it is impossible to unlock it.
There have been more than 1,000 Xbox 360 games created and marketed to date.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas became such a popular game with users that it sold 17 million copies for the PlayStation 2 alone. It was also available for the Xbox 360, PC, and later versions of the PlayStation and Xbox.