Nintendo Switch facts
While investigating facts about *nintendo Switch Online Membership and Nintendo Switch Games, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Nintendo sold more Nintendo Switch consoles in its first year than Wii U consoles in its entire lifetime.
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Nintendo coats their new Switch game cartridges with denatonium benzoate (a non-toxic agent) to cause a bitter taste as a deterrent for children putting the games in their mouth
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's nintendo switch lite. Here are 32 of the best facts about Nintendo Switch Lite and Nintendo Switch Bundle I managed to collect.
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Nintendo sold more copies of Zelda: Breath of the Wild than actual Switch consoles.
Nintendo Switch game cartridges are coated with a chemical to make them taste bad to children.
In 1993, Nintendo stated that the widely-criticised “pro-violence” game Night Trap would never appear on their consoles. In 2018, Night Trap was released on the Nintendo Switch, with an ESRB “Teen” rating.
Nintendo adds a bittering agent (Denatonium Benzoate) to Switch cartridges to prevent kids from swallowing them
Nintendo has intentionally made the switch game cartridges taste disgusting to stop children (and presumably, pets) from accidentally swallowing them.
Nintendo Switch games are covered in a bittering agent to prevent kids from ingesting them
Nintendo Switch Cartridges Are Coated With Bitter Chemical To Avoid Ingestion, 1,000 Times More Awful Than Quinine
Nintendo Switch game cartridges are manufactured with a denatonium benozate coating; a “bittering agent” that gives the cartridges a REALLY terrible taste to avoid accidental ingestion.
Nintendo Switch cartridges are coated with denatonium benzoate, a "bitterant" that is used to prevent children from swallowing the cartridges.
Three games for the Nintendo Switch – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – have each sold more copies than units of Nintendo's previous flagship console, the Wii U
Nintendo Switch data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nintendo Switch figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why nintendo switch out of stock?
You can easily fact check why nintendo switch controller not working by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Nintendo Switch controller has a secret message directly above the right analog stick that reads “thnx2 allgamefans!". This is to help prevent counterfeit controllers.
Secret of Mana was originally meant to be a launch title for the ill-fated SNES-CD, and the production problems that came with switching development to cartridges is considered to be the main inspiration as to why Squaresoft jumped ship from Nintendo to PlayStation in 1996. - source
In March 2017, the month of release of the console Switch, Nintendo has sold more copies of Zelda: Breath of the Wild than consoles to play in the United States. This is because players bought several versions of the game to collect them.
The video game “Night Trap” aka the game that helped the court force video game to have a ESRB and PEGI and also helped bring Saga down in the market... is now remade for Nintendo Switch. - source
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Nintendo coats their Switch game cartridges with Denatonium Benzoate to prevent young players from ingesting them.
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Nintendo purposely made game cartridges for the Switch taste awful by applying a nontoxic bittering agent on them. This was done to prevent small children from accidentally swallowing the tiny cartridges.
There is a console that includes the Xbox 1, PS4 Pro, Nintendo Switch, and a high end gaming desktop all in one. It’s called: The Origin “Big O”
In the Wii Shop Theme, there's the click sound from Nintendo Switch videos. (About 57 seconds)
The SD card size game cartridge for the Nintendo Switch is coated with a foul tasting plastic to prevent kids from putting it in their mouth
Sony is releasing an uncensored game for the Nintendo Switch, but a censored version for the PS4
Nintendo switch infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Nintendo Switch numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

My average play time for the 1st year of Nintendo Switch