Congressional District facts
While investigating facts about Congressional District Map and Congressional Districts Ny, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Someone made a font out of gerrymandered congressional districts
how congressional districts are drawn?
Pat helped Richard in his political ascent by research his opponents. Richard's first political victory was in California's 12th congressional district in 1946, which was/is essentially the city of San Francisco. California was much more conservative in the 1940s and "50s, which allowed Nixon to become one of the more powerful Republicans in the state at the time.
What congressional district do i live in?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what congressional district do you live in. Here are 16 of the best facts about Congressional Districts California and Congressional Districts Texas I managed to collect.
what congressional district am i in?
After former Ohio representative James Traficant was convicted of corruption and imprisoned, he ran as an independent from jail and received 15% of the vote in his district. He is one of only a handful of candidates to mount a congressional bid while incarcerated.
Maine used to have 8 Congressional Districts and it might be down to 1 after the next Census results.
By not including language from the previous act that districts be "contiguous and compact" and contain an equal number of inhabitants, the Reapportionment Act of 1929 allowed US states to draw congressional districts of any shape or size, or to do away with districts altogether.
The state of Alaska has only one giant congressional district.
Alabama is so gerrymandered that even though he won a majority of votes, Doug Jones only carried one of seven congressional districts.
Maine used to have 8 Congressional Districts and it might be down to 1 after the next Census results.
There is a pending Constitutional Amendment, already ratified by 11 states and only needing 27 more, that would cap each Congressional district to 50,000 constituents.
"Goofy kicking Donald Duck", Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional district in 2011 which got the name from its heavily gerrymandered district borders.
Members of the US House of Representatives do not have to be residents of the Congressional District they represent.
In 2014, Clay Aiken announced his intentions to run for Congress in North Carolina's 2nd congressional district. He won the Democratic primary held on May 6, 2014 but lost to Republican incumbent Renee Ellmers in the general election on November 4, 2014.
Congressional District data charts
For your convenience take a look at Congressional District figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why congressional districts?
You can easily fact check why would the congressional district plan be easier to implement by examining the linked well-known sources.
There's a Texas congressional district that's geographically larger than the state of Illinois
Ohio's 9th Congressional District is so gerrymandered that during periods of high tide it's not even continuous - source
"Gerrymander" (redrawing political district lines with no apparent geographical reasoning) was coined in 1812 when Gov. Elbridge Gerry created a congressional district resembling a salamander. - source
To prevent gerrymandering the state of Iowa Has an independent nonpartisan group that draws its Congressional districts. This has succeeded in making the large majority of Iowa Congrsssional races competitive
Congressional district infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Congressional District numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Congressional Districts in the NE-US by Windiness