South Carolina facts
While investigating facts about South Carolina Primary and South Carolina Football, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A teacher in South Carolina started a 'Gentleman's Club' for more than 60 at-risk children to teach them important life lessons and social skills and support them so that they would grow up to become successful adults. He even provides donated jackets and ties to students who cannot afford them.
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Harriet Tubman, in addition to organizing the Underground Railroad, served with the U.S. Army as a scout, spy, nurse and soldier during the Civil War, leading a raid with the African-American 2nd South Carolina regiment that freed over 700 slaves.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is it at south carolina. Here are 50 of the best facts about South Carolina Primary Results and South Carolina Map I managed to collect.
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States such as Alabama and South Carolina still had laws preventing interracial marriage until 2000, where they were changed with 40% of each state opposing the change
A South Carolina high school student was arrested and suspended, and had his locker searched because of a creative writing assignment where he mentioned buying a gun to shoot his neighbor's pet dinosaur.
In the 1860's, a slave from South Carolina stole a ship from the Confederacy and delivered it to the Union. He was later gifted the ship to command during the Civil War. After the war was over, he bought the house he was a slave in and became a US Congressman.
President Andrew Jackson told Vice President John Calhoun "If you secede from my nation I will secede your head from the rest of your body" when South Carolina tried to nullify federal law in 1832.
The Miss South Carolina teen who became an internet meme for her incomprehensible answer contemplated suicide after her pageant flub
In 1944 in South Carolina they used a Bible as a booster seat to electrocute a 14 year old boy.
The majority of states have official "ancient emblems"—several of which are fossils. An effort by an 8-year-old girl to give South Carolina its own official state fossil was thwarted however, because some lawmakers object to officially recognizing the woolly mammoth fossil on religious grounds.
Stephen Colbert Helped Fund $800,000 in Grants for South Carolina Teachers
In the South Carolina Declaration of Causes of Secession, slavery is referenced 18 times. States rights is only referenced twice.
Venus flytraps are native to North and South Carolina, not tropical rainforests.
South Carolina data charts
For your convenience take a look at South Carolina figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did south carolina secede?
You can easily fact check why was south carolina established as a colony by examining the linked well-known sources.
On Aug 21, 2017 there will be a complete solar eclipse that will travel the length of the US continent, from Oregon to South Carolina, in 90 minutes. This route is referred to as the Path of Totality and for 2 min and 41 seconds it will seem like night in the middle of the day.
A father in South Carolina almost lost custody of his infant daughter when she was put up for adoption by her mother. 33 states require unmarried fathers to register as 'responsible fathers' in order to retain the right to be notified of an adoption or termination of parental rights action. - source
A 2009 study found that 1 of every 8 South Carolina inmates were in prison due to falling behind on child support payments - source
In 1739 a 16 year old girl in South Carolina was instrumental in creating an economy accounting for 1/3 the value of the colony's output pre-Revolution. George Washington held her in such high esteem, upon her death he travelled to Philadelphia to be one of her pallbearers.
Venus flytraps are only native to North and South Carolina. - source
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The youngest ever powerball winner was a 19-year-old from South Carolina who won a $35.3 million jackpot after he heard a voice and "the winning numbers in his head"
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The Venus Flytrap is only native to one area of the world. That area; North and South Carolina.
South Carolina passed a "truth in barbeque" law which says that restaurants have to tell customers if they cook with wood or gas. Violators face a fine or jail.
John Laurens, an officer in the Continental Army who strongly opposed slavery, and tried unsuccessfully multiple times to institute black regiments in the struggle for independence. His abolitionist views were admirable, considering his South Carolina birth and father’s ownership of slaves.
Senator Strom Thurmond got married at the ages of 44 and 66. Both times were to a 22 year old winner of the Miss South Carolina beauty pageant.
Laws in Arkansas, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas prohibit people who don't believe in God to hold the public office.