Battle Gettysburg facts
While investigating facts about Battle Gettysburg Map and Battle Gettysburg Casualties, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Even though they fought with the North, the State of Minnesota still displays, in their Capitol, a Confederate Battle Flag that they stole from a Virginia unit at the Battle of Gettysburg. Virginia has been asking for it back for over 100 years. Minnesota continues to say no.
how did the battle of gettysburg affect european governments?
There's a city in South Dakota called Gettysburg. Its slogan is "Where the Battle Wasn't."
Where was the battle of gettysburg fought at?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering why did the battle happen at gettysburg. Here are 50 of the best facts about Battle Gettysburg Civil War and Battle Gettysburg Movie I managed to collect.
who won the battle at gettysburg?
During the Battle of Gettysburg Minnesota soldiers captured a Virginia battle flag and returned it to MN. Virginia has continuously asked for it back, prompting then MN Gov. Jesse Ventura to say "Why? I mean, we won. ... That makes it our heritage."
Union artillery officer Alonzo Cushing was killed after being wounded twice during the Battle of Gettysburg, refusing evacuation from his position atop Cemetery Ridge during Pickett’s Charge. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor 151 years later, the longest wait for any recipient.
The only captured battle flag from the Civil War not returned to its state is Virginia's. It was captured by Minnesota at the Battle of Gettysburg. Congress ordered its return in 1905.
It took approximately 100 rounds of ammunition to inflict one causality at the Battle of Gettysburg
A new national cemetery at Gettysburg was dedicated on November 19, 1863.
The biggest day of fighting was on the second day. Over 100,000 soldiers fought that day and there were over 20,000 casualties.
The Union had over 16,000 casualties and the Confederates had over 18,000 casualties. The only battle that had more casualties was the Battle of Gettysburg.
The Confederates were confident they would win the battle because Robert E. Lee had just led his army to victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia in May.
Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain, a hero at the Battle of Gettysburg, died in 1914 due to lingering injuries he sustained in 1864. He spent 50 years in "constant pain" and is considered "the last man to die of his Civil War wounds."
During Gettysburg, despite it being the largest battle ever fought in the western hemisphere with more than 165,000 soldiers engaged and more than 46,000 casualties on both sides, only 1 civilian was killed, a 20 year old seamstress named Ginnie Wade.
Battle Gettysburg data charts
For your convenience take a look at Battle Gettysburg figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was the battle of gettysburg important?
You can easily fact check why did the battle of gettysburg happen by examining the linked well-known sources.
Nine of the 120 generals at Gettysburg died, more than at any other battle.
The battle was fought July 1-July 3, 1863.
Confederate soldiers who died at Gettysburg are primarily buried at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia.
The Union won the Battle of Gettysburg.
Ten roads led into Gettysburg, which is a main reason that the battle was fought there. It was easy to locate.
When was the battle of gettysburg?
A key to the Union victory was holding off the Confederate attack of the center of the Union line at Cemetery Ridge on July 3. This was a devastating defeat for the South.
How did the battle of gettysburg start?
Longstreet delayed his attack at Gettysburg on July 2, which some have attributed to the Confederate loss at that battle, but the reasons for the delay are still debated by historians.
Daniel Sickles, a General during the Battle of Gettysburg A cannonball hit his leg, and he was carried off. He rode away on horseback, smoking a cigar and smiling; he was given a Medal of Honor. He was amputated and put it on display. He killed Francis Scott Key's son for courting his wife
The Union victory is considered a turning point in the Civil War because the Union forced Lee's Army of the Potomac to return to Virginia. It became apparent that the South would likely not win the war after this defeat.
The victory at Chancellorsville led to Lee's decision to attack the Union in the North. He believed that his army was unbeatable. The result was the Battle of Gettysburg later that year.
More Gunpowder Was Used To Clear The Land For Central Park (NYC) Than Was Used At The Battle Of Gettysburg During The American Civil War