Basketball Team facts
While investigating facts about Basketball Teams and Basketball Team Names, I found out little known, but curios details like:
North Korea plays basketball with different rules. Slam Dunks are 3 pts, Three-point “nothing but net” shots are worth 4 pts, and teams lose points when they miss free throws.
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After the breakup of the Soviet Union, the Lithuanian basketball team couldn't afford to participate in the 1992 Olympics, so the Grateful Dead funded the team's expenses, and the team wore tie-dye uniforms.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what basketball team is ucf. Here are 50 of the best facts about Basketball Teams Near Me and Basketball Teams Nba I managed to collect.
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A high school basketball coach was fired after his team won 100-0 because the Catholic school he worked for thought that winning by such a wide margin did not show a “Christlike and honourable approach to competition”.
The University of Georgia was caught having a 300-level Coaching Principles and Strategies of Basketball class, attended mainly by its basketball team, where the final exam had questions like "How many points does a 3-point field goal account for in a basketball game?"
The 1992 Olympics US basketball team (the "Dream Team") has been called "the most dominant squad ever assembled in any sport". Magic Johnson said "I look to my right, there's Michael Jordan ... I look to my left, there's Charles Barkley or Larry Bird ... I didn't know who to throw the ball to!"
Spain's basketball team was stripped of their Special Olympic gold medal after it was discovered they organized a team of healthy individuals to pose as mentally handicapped.
In the 2000 Paralympics, 10 out of 12 players in Spain's ID Basketball team were non-disabled, who pretended to have intellectual disabilities. The scandal was exposed after the Paralympics, when one of the players was revealed to be an investigative journalist.
There was a 12 year ban on athletes with intellectual disabilities competing in the Paralympic Games because of the Spanish Basketball Team cheating in the 2000 Games by having 10 members pretend they had a disability.
In response to Native American mascot controversy, the University of Northern Colorado in 2002 renamed their intramural basketball team to the "Fightin' Whities".
Latrell Sprewell, a basketball player whose career ended when he refused a $21-million 3-year contract, implying that he felt it wasn’t enough money to feed his children. He was never offered another contract by an NBA team, and has since experienced financial troubles.
Aubrey Plaza plays on a successful women's basketball team called The Pistol Shrimps
The Spanish Paralympic Basketball Team was forced to return their Gold medals won in the 2000 Australian Olympics after almost all players were found to be NOT disabled.
Basketball Team data charts
For your convenience take a look at Basketball Team figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why team usa basketball by examining the linked well-known sources.
The 1992 Olympics US basketball team (the "Dream Team") won all of their games by an average of 44 points. They have been called "the most dominant squad ever assembled in any sport."
Along with their rugby team "All Blacks", New Zealand has a basketball team nicknamed "Tall Blacks" - source
Pat Summitt, head coach of the University of Tennessee women's basketball team, was so successful that the university twice asked her to coach the men's team. - source
Becky Hammon became a Russian citizen purely to play basketball in the 2008 Olympics after she was cut from the USA Basketball team. The result? Tripling her salary as a professional and a bronze medal.
The mascot for the Rhode Island School of Design is a penis named "Scrotie" who supports their hockey team, "The Nads," and their basketball team, "The Balls," with the slogan "When the heat is on, the Balls stick together." - source
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Lithuania's Olympic basketball team was able to participate in the 1992 Games despite post-independence financial issues partly thanks to a sponsorship from the Grateful Dead. They returned home in tie dye uniforms with bronze medals.
How many division 1 basketball teams are there?
The Miami Heat retired Michael Jordan's number 23 in April 2003 for "contributions to basketball." He never played for the team.
Two high school girls basketball teams were suspended from a tournament after both trying to lose the game
While Charles Barkley, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird described playing on the 1992 US Olympic basketball team as the greatest experience of their lives, Michael Jordan said that the biggest benefit was learning about his teammates' weaknesses. He later won three NBA finals against them.
At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, the US men's basketball team beat Canada 19-8 to win the gold medal. The game was held outdoors on a dirt court in the pouring rain. The conditions prevented dribbling, which is why the score was so low.
The official nickname of the kiwi men's basketball team is the "Tall Blacks"
Basketball team infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Basketball Team numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The US National Basketball Team is more likely to win gold medals with players from California, graduated in Kansas; and to lose, with players from New York, graduated in North Car