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Spanish Paralympic facts

While investigating facts about Spanish Paralympic Basketball Team and Spanish Paralympic Basketball Team 2000, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There was a 12 year ban on athletes with intellectual disabilities competing in the Paralympic Games because of the Spanish Basketball Team cheating in the 2000 Games by having 10 members pretend they had a disability.

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The Spanish Paralympic Basketball Team was forced to return their Gold medals won in the 2000 Australian Olympics after almost all players were found to be NOT disabled.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 14 of the best facts about Spanish Paralympic Basketball Team Cheat and Spanish Paralympic Scandal I managed to collect.

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  1. 10 members of a Spanish Paralympic basketball team were ordered to hand back their Sydney Games gold medals after it was revealed that they had no mental handicap.

  2. During the 2000 Paralympics, 10 out of the 12 Spanish basketball players faked having a disability and ended up winning Gold

  3. In the 2000 paralympic games most of the Spanish basketball team were not actually intellectually disabled but were asked to fake it.

  4. Ten members of the Spanish Paralympic basketball team were ordered to hand back their 2000 Sydney Games gold medals after it was revealed that they had no intellectual disability

  5. The Spanish Paralympic basketball team was forced to return their gold medals in Sydney's 2000 Olympics after it was revealed that 10 out of 12 of their players had no intellectual or physical disabilities.

  6. At the 2000 Sydney Paralympics, 15 out of 200 Spanish athletes were not mentally or physically disabled. These athletes didn’t even pass the medical or psychological examinations. Since many of the 15 athletes were in intellectual disabilities basketball, the sport was removed in later events.

  7. The Spanish Paralympic basketball team in 2000 won the gold medal, but later founded out that almost all of them were not disabled.

  8. The Spanish Paralympic Basketball team were stripped of their 2000 Summer Paralympic gold medals for fielding non-disabled athletes in their team.

  9. In the 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games the Spainish Basketball team cheated their way to victory. This was performed in the attempt to increase the budget for the Spanish Paralympic Committee.

spanish paralympic facts
What are the best facts about Spanish Paralympic?

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You can easily fact check why was the spanish inquisition important by examining the linked well-known sources.

16 years ago, a Spanish basketball team pretended to be disabled to win Paralympic gold - source

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