Weird but interesting facts of life
Some are funny facts and some will make you say WTF. But being inconvenient and not useless, all those facts will enrich your knowledge base and help you pass through.
Manatees regulate their buoyancy by storing and releasing farts
Humans and dogs likely evolved together since they were first domesticated roughly 10,000 year ago.
Whilst conducting DNA research on two hair samples collected from the Himalayas and believed to be from a Yeti, a leading British geneticist instead discovered they were a genetic match to an ancient polar bear.
The Chinese population census margin of error (26 million) is bigger than the population of 180 countries
Many tattoo artists refuse to put neck/face tattoos on lightly or non-tattooed customers
Olives are essentially inedible when picked. It takes an extensive curing process for them to become edible, with no history of how an inedible fruit became such a popular fruit.
The scientist that discovered stomach ulcers were caused by bacteria swallowed the live bacteria and cured himself with antibiotics to prove his hypothesis. Before this, other scientists scoffed at his hypothesis.
An orangutan at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha Nebraska had learned to pick locks with a piece of wire that he had hidden in his mouth.
The appendix may not just be vestigial in humans; a 2007 study suggested that appendices serve as safe havens for "good bacteria" when illness flushes other bacteria from the intestines. Afterward, the useful bacteria can quickly repopulate the intestines.
In 2002, a fire at a girls' school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia killed fifteen girls. It has been strongly suggested that their deaths occured due to the involvement of the "religious police," who prevented them from leaving the building because the girls were not wearing correct Islamic dress.
In 1739 a 16 year old girl in South Carolina was instrumental in creating an economy accounting for 1/3 the value of the colony's output pre-Revolution. George Washington held her in such high esteem, upon her death he travelled to Philadelphia to be one of her pallbearers.
A man without arms holds the archery record for the farthest accurate distance category.
Steve from Blue's Clues left the show partly because he was losing his hair, not because he died
Fraudsters in China cost Apple over $2 Billion by returning fake iPhones for refunds
During the Victorian Era, “female hysteria” was a catchall term for many feelings of malaise, including when a woman was horny. Doctors “treated” the ailment by masturbating the women until they reached “hysterical paroxysm”, or as we call it today, an orgasm.