Worlds Smallest facts
While investigating facts about World's Smallest and World's Smallest Country, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The US Navy has 19 aircraft carriers, compared to 12 for the rest of the world combined. The smallest US carrier is larger and more advanced than the next largest carrier from any other country.
how tall is the world's smallest person?
Sergei Bubka repeatedly and deliberately broke the world pole vault record by the smallest possible height so he could cash in on a Nike bonus with each new record. In a two-year span, he broke his own world record 14 times.
World's smallest ocean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the worlds smallest bird. Here are 50 of the best facts about World's Smallest Cat and Worlds Smallest Violin I managed to collect.
world's smallest country?
Bishop Rock is a tiny island 4 miles off the coast of Cornwall, and its single lighthouse makes it the "world's smallest island with a building on it"
Researchers at IBM made the worlds smallest stop-motion movie (45x25 nanometers) by rearranging individual atoms to create images.
Liechtenstein, one of the smallest countries in the world, has one of the lowest business and corporate tax rates, highest GDP per capita, zero external debt, and more registered businesses than people.
Mongolia's Navy is comprised of 1 tugboat and 7 sailors, making it the smallest in the world.
In 2012, IBM created a short film titled, "A Boy And His Atom," using stop-motion of individual Carbon atoms magnified at over 100,000,000 times. Guinness World Records has verified it as "The World’s Smallest Stop-Motion Film."
The smallest acting democracy in the world is that of the Pitcairn Islands, currently at a population count of 50 residents, who are descendants of a small collection of mutinous British sailors and Tahitian guests.
The World's Smallest Park is only 2 feet wide
There's a museum that has the world's largest collection of the world's smallest versions of the world's largest things.
The Game Boy Camera was featured in the 1999 edition of Guinness World Records for being the world's smallest digital camera
San Marino, one of the world's smallest counties, has one of the highest GDPs per capita in the world, zero national debt and is so wealthy that it has more vehicles than people.
Worlds Smallest data charts
For your convenience take a look at Worlds Smallest figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why the many-worlds interpretation has many problems?
You can easily fact check why the many-worlds interpretation by examining the linked well-known sources.
The smallest desert in the world - the Carcross Desert. Located in the Yukon, the desert is actually the lake bed from a dried-up glacial lake. Officials wanted to protect it but locals use the dunes for sandboarding and other recreational activities.
About The World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things - a traveling roadside attraction filled with miniature replicas of other roadside attractions. - source
Cuexcomate, near Puebla, Mexico, was thought to be the world’s smallest volcano at just 43ft tall, but was later found to be an empty cone of an extinct geyser. The Pueblans threw bodies of suicide victims into it & believed that if you lived around it, you were ‘under the rule of the devil.’ - source
The world's smallest hotel was built between two buildings in a gap of only 2.5 meters (8.2 ft).
The world's smallest porpoise, called "vaquita" for "little cow" in Spanish, is on the verge of becoming the 5th marine mammal to go extinct in modern times--despite efforts to curb the gill netting that has caused their numbers to drop by 40% since 2014. - source
World's largest kahoot?
Fairyfly's are the smallest insect in the world (.13mm). They can stay underwater for 15 days, but have exit the water by climbing up plant stems that jut out the surface, otherwise they would not be able to break the surface tension of water.
How much is the worlds smallest car?
When the Gameboy Camera was originally released, it was entered into the 1999 Guinness book of records "for being the world's smallest digital camera"
The smallest fish in the world is the dwarf goby which is only 0.3 inches long.
The 5th smallest country in the world - San Marino - is also the oldest Republic in the world
Thailand is home to the world's smallest mammal. It is a bat that weighs only two grams and is known as a hog-nosed bat, or a bumble bat.
Worlds smallest infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Worlds Smallest numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.