Worlds Largest facts
While investigating facts about Worlds Largest Dog and Worlds Largest Mcdonalds, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After "the world’s largest beach clean-up" at Mumbai's Versova beach, Olive Ridley turtles returned to lay eggs for the first time in 20 years.
how much is the worlds largest pizza?
Lake Superior has an island which has a lake which has an island which has a pond which has a boulder, which, when the pond floods, becomes the largest island in the largest lake on the largest island in the largest lake on the largest island in the largest lake in the world.
World's largest ocean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what world's largest rainforest. Here are 50 of the best facts about World's Largest Cruise Ship and Worlds Largest Spider I managed to collect.
world's largest desert?
The japanese passport is the strongest passport in the world in terms of travel freedom alongside Singapore and South Korea. Japanese citizens have visa-free or visa on arrival access to 189 countries and territories including the world's four largest economies - China, India, USA and the EU.
There is a city in Washington named 'George'. Every year, George, Washington celebrates the 4th of July by baking the world's largest cherry pie.
The US Navy has 19 aircraft carriers, compared to 12 for the rest of the world combined. The smallest US carrier is larger and more advanced than the next largest carrier from any other country.
When the world's largest diamond was transported from Africa to England, an elaborate & secure journey by sea was publicized - as a rouse. The real diamond was simply posted by mail.
The worlds largest book was lost by the city of Cleveland. It was called The Golden Book of Cleveland; and it was as large as a mattress. It was misplaced in 1936.
Soviet scientists defended the world's largest seed bank during the 28 month Siege of Leningrad when it couldn't be evacuated. 9 scientists starved, surrounded by tons of crops and fruit, refusing to destroy 'the future of Russia'.
One of the 10 largest pyramids in the world is actually a Bass Pro Shop in Memphis, Tennessee
At one point of time lightbulb lifespan had increased so much that world's largest lightbulb companies formed a cartel to reduce it to a 1000-hr 'standard'
France generates roughly 73% of it's electricity from Nuclear Power, is one of the world's largest exporters of power, and has not had a single nuclear related fatality.
That, despite being 10 times smaller than California, The Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural and food products: In addition, Dutch farms are some of the most water-efficient in the world
Worlds Largest data charts
For your convenience take a look at Worlds Largest figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why the many-worlds interpretation by examining the linked well-known sources.
The most accurate simulation of the human brain ever has been carried out, but a single second’s worth of brain activity took one of the world’s largest supercomputers 40 minutes to calculate. - source
The world’s largest pyramid is hidden under a mountain in Mexico and has a base four times larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza. - source
London is the largest urban forest in the world: with more than 8 million trees - about one for every Londoner - the capital of the UK is literally classified as a forest in its own right.
The sixth largest Pyramid in the world is a Bass Pro Shops megastore located in Memphis, Tennessee. - source
World's largest kahoot?
Gorillas Titus and Beetsme: they met and bonded as Juveniles and later created a rare bachelor group for 8 years while the duo had homosexual relations. After adding some females they drove of the other males and effectively shared power in what became the largest gorilla group in the world
World's largest gummy bear?
The world's largest cannabis grow-op is Canada's Aurora Sky near Edmonton, Alberta. The 800,000 sq. ft. greenhouse is the size of 14 football fields and produces 8,000 kg (17,363 lbs) of marijuana (roughly 12 million joints) per month.
During WWII Soviet scientists defended the world's largest seed vault through a 900-day siege. Many of the scientists starved amid the crops and fruit, refusing to jeopardize 'the future of Russia' to save themselves.
The largest number of graves of any cemetery for U.S. personnel killed during World War II is located in Manila, Philippines. It has 17,206 graves. 16,636 of which were U.S. personnel. #MemorialDay
The largest empire ever to exist based on percentage of world population was the Achaemenid Empire originating from Iran, which contained 44% of the global population in 480BC
Nine out of the ten largest Pharmaceutical companies in the world spend more on marketing than R&D
Worlds largest infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Worlds Largest numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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