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Voted Democrat facts

While investigating facts about Voted Democrat For and Grandpa Voted Democrat, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There were 5 times when a president lost the popular vote but still won the election. All 5 times, Democrats won the popular vote.

how many democrats voted for the 13th amendment?

The German Reichstag/parliament in 1933 voted to give Hitler absolute control. 1 person spoke against it:Social Democratic leader Otto Wels, who spoke the last free words in the Reichstag:"You can take our lives & our freedom, but you cannot take our honor. We are defenseless but not honorless."

What republicans voted with the democrats today?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what democrats voted no today. Here are 50 of the best facts about Grandpa Voted Democrat Lyrics and What States Voted Democratic In 2016 I managed to collect.

what democrats voted nay today?

  1. Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, was voted into power through democratic ballots, the only problem being that the ballot cards had only one option to ‘choose’ from – Kim Jong-un

  2. The ancient Greeks had a democratic process to nominate and vote to send any citizen away for 10 years. Like the opposite of an election.

  3. Pirates did actually follow a code of conduct (or "Articles of Agreement"), though specific rules varied between crews. Examples include democratic voting, no striking of another crew member while onboard, and specific sharing of "prizes" depending on rank.

  4. Napoleon the Third was the first democratically elected President of France and also its last Monarch. He won the vote by 75% and after his four year term declared himself Emperor.

  5. Former Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton's dying wish was for people to "Go forth in love and peace--be kind to dogs--and vote Democratic."

  6. The Liberal Democrat Party in the UK lost a parliamentary seat in 1994 because someone else stood for the seat under the name "Literal Democrat", causing enough people to vote for him in error to cause the Liberal Democrats to lose the seat

  7. The royal family of Norway was democratically elected, in a referendum 79% voted to remain a monarchy with Prince Carl of Denmark as their new King rather than becoming a republic.

  8. Opposition to the bill was more along geographic than political lines with a majority of both southern Democrats and Republicans voting "nay."

  9. As with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the opposition in the House and Senate was more along geographic than party lines with both Republican and Democrat southern congressmen opposing the bill.

  10. At the 1972 Democratic Convention, the delegates were so fed up with party infighting, that many voted for joke candidates for Vice President, including Mao Zedong, and Archie Bunker.

voted democrat facts
What two democrats voted no today?

Voted Democrat data charts

For your convenience take a look at Voted Democrat figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

voted democrat fact data chart about Sankey diagram of results from Maine's Democratic Gubernator
Sankey diagram of results from Maine's Democratic Gubernatorial Primary, the state's first election using Ranked Choice Voting

voted democrat fact data chart about Differences Between Popular and Electoral Vote Percentages A
Differences Between Popular and Electoral Vote Percentages Among Democrats and Republicans in Presidential Elections from 1976 - 2016

Why democrats voted present?

You can easily fact check why democrats voted present on green new deal by examining the linked well-known sources.

In the 1946 Californian gubernatorial election, incumbent governor Earl Warren was nominated as the candidate of the Republican, Democratic, and Progressive parties. He was reelected with 91.64% of the vote.

U.S. Congressman H. R. Gross (R-IA) voted so consistently against both Democratic- and GOP-favored legislation that House Minority Leader Gerald Ford remarked "there are three parties in the House: Democrats, Republicans, and H.R. Gross." - source

In 1918 a Union organiser called Eugene Victor Debs was arrested after running for President five times in a row for the Socialist Party, Social Democracy Party and the Social Democratic Party of America (all of which he founded) winning almost 6% of the vote. - source

During the 1876 presidential election, after an Oregon elector was deemed inadmissible because he held elected office, he was replaced by an elector who voted for Democrat candidate Samuel Tilden, although future president Rutherford B. Hayes won the majority of votes in the state.

After the Compromise was tabled, Crittenden attempted to put it to the vote of the people in a plebiscite or referendum, which was supported by Stephen Douglas and many Democrats, but opposed by most of the Republicans.

When was the last time texas voted democrat?

In the 1983 United Kingdom General Election The Social Democrat-Liberal Alliance received more than 25% of the vote but only 3.5% of the seats in parliament due to the First-Past-The-Post voting system.

How many democrats voted for the civil rights act?

In 2006, the U.S. Senate was one vote away from passing a constitutional amendment banning flag burning. 66 senators, Democrat and Republican alike, voted in favor of the resolution.

Louisiana once had an election between a crooked Democrat and a KKK leader-- the most memorable bumper sticker of the campaign was "Vote For the Crook. It's Important."

The second incarnation of the UK's Social Democratic Party was dissolved after a 1990 by-election in Bootle, wherein its candidate got fewer votes than the candidate of the Official Monster Raving Loony Party.

A reason why US Senators are elected by public vote was a large brawl in the Indiana Assembly in 1887, where the lieutenant governor was beaten up, open fistfights raged, and over 600 Republican lawmakers dragged Democrats outside and threatened to kill them. The riot lasted over 4 hours.

Georgia Democratic Congressman John Gibson is often credited with saving the bill in the House of Representatives. He was at home with an illness in Georgia but rushed to Washington to convince his colleagues to vote for the bill when he learned it was in trouble.

Voted democrat infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Voted Democrat numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

voted democrat fact infographic about Comparing voting patterns between Democratic senators who we

Comparing voting patterns between Democratic senators who were strong candidates in recent primaries

voted democrat fact infographic about Current (and Historical) Electoral Vote Projection For Democ

Current (and Historical) Electoral Vote Projection For Democratic Candidates

When was the last time kentucky voted democrat?

When Humphrey won the Democrat Party's presidential nomination in 1968, he represented the pro-Vietnam War wing of the party, which many experts believe split the vote, helping to elect Nixon.

In 1861, the Eastern region of Tennessee voted a whopping 80% percent against succeeding from the Union. At the time, this region of Tennessee had a Whig Party majority, and to this day, no Democrat has held two congressional seats in East Tennessee since the mid-1800’s.

The most lopsided popular vote result in a contested U.S. presidential election was in 1920, when the GOP ticket of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge got 60.3% of the vote compared to 34.3% for the Democratic ticket of James Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

35.9% of Democratic Congressmen voted against the Civil Rights Act while only 19.6% of Republican Congressmen voted against it

A man ran for an EU seat under the party name "Literal Democrats" and received more than ten thousand votes, much more than the margin of seven hundred votes that the Liberal Democrat candidate lost by.

How many democrats voted for the 14th amendment?

Florida Republicans, in 1868, gave the Seminole seats in government. In 1885, after a new Florida constitution, Democrats had the seats removed and put up voting barriers.

The 1974 New Hampshire Senate election was decided by just two votes in favor of the Republican candidate. A special election held the following August to resolve the dispute saw the Democratic candidate win by 28,000 votes.

In the 1960s you were ~15% more likely to be a "Prepper" for nuclear war if you voted Democrat over Republican

Only 57.6 million people, or 28.5% of estimated eligible voters, voted in the Republican and Democratic presidential primaries this year.

There have been 3 US Presidential Elections where one candidate has run unopposed. The last was in 1820, when President James Monroe received all but one electoral vote, which went to fellow Democratic-Republican John Quincy Adams

During the 1836 election, Virginia's entire 23-man electoral delegation faithlessly voted against victorious Democratic Party Vice Presidential Candidate Richard Mentor Johnson[2] due to Johnson's openly admitted, publicized, long-term "interracial" relationship with his octoroon slave, Julia.

After the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed, black and Hispanic voter registration greatly increased and there was a realignment in the political parties: white southerners switched to the Republican Party while blacks and Hispanics overwhelming registered and voted as Democrats.

The Democratic Party was originally created by Andrew Jackson after he lost the presidential election of 1824, despite having the most popular and electoral votes

Republican Rutherford B. Hayes won the U.S. presidential election by a single electoral college vote (185-184)... while his Democrat challenger Samuel J. Tilden won the popular vote by 3 percentage points (50.9%-47.9%)

The 1974 New Hampshire Senate election, first called for the Republican by 355 votes, then for the Democrat by 10 votes, then for the Republican again by just 2 votes (with 223,363 total votes). The Democrat won a subsequent special election.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was vote not along party lines but along region/ideological lines. The Northern Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly supported it and Southern Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly opposed it

The Garfield-Arthur ticket defeated the Democrat Party's Winfield Hancock-William English ticket by only just over 7,000 votes in the popular count, but by fifty-nine votes in the Electoral College, where it really mattered.

In a Brazilian referendum to determine their system of democratic government over a century after abolishing the monarchy, 13.4% or nearly 7 million voted to reinstall the Imperial Family to the throne.

Due to the electoral college, in the 2004 presidential election, had 60000 voters in Ohio voted Democrat rather than republican, John Kerry would have won the election despite losing the popular vote by 3 million.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Voted Democrat. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Voted Democrat so important!

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