Popular Vote facts
While investigating facts about Popular Vote 2016 and Popular Vote Canada, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Ron Stallworth, the man who infiltrated the ranks of the KKK and the center of the movie BlacKkKlansman, was a cheerleader, served in the Student Council, served on the Student Advisory Board to the EPISD Board, and was voted most popular in his Senior year at Austin High School
how many presidents lost the popular vote?
The Rhinoceros Party of Canada, a satirical, federally registered political party in Canada, received 1.01% of the popular vote in the 1980 federal election campaigning to repeal the law of gravity and provide higher education by building taller schools, among other promises.
What's popular vote canada?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the popular vote in 2016. Here are 50 of the best facts about Popular Vote Definition and Popular Vote Vs Electoral College I managed to collect.
what's popular vote?
Because of the electoral college, a presidential candidate can win with only 23% of the popular vote.
There were 5 times when a president lost the popular vote but still won the election. All 5 times, Democrats won the popular vote.
Grover Cleveland was the only US president to serve two non-consecutive terms, but he won the popular vote in all three elections in which he ran.
During the 1920s a class president candidate at Harvard swallowed a live goldfish in a bid to win more votes. The stunt created a trend of 'goldfish swallowing' which became so popular that eventually Massachusetts state legislature had to create a bill banning it
In the Marvel Universe, Steven Colbert was a front runner in the 2008 presidential election, and even won the popular vote.
The Rhinoceros Party of Canada, a satirical, federally registered political party in Canada, received 1.01% of the popular vote in the 1980 federal election campaigning to repeal the law of gravity and provide higher education by building taller schools, among other promises.
Popular dog actor Rin-Tin-Tin received the most votes for the first Academy Award for Best Actor, but was removed as a choice as the Academy felt a human should win instead
The Rhinoceros Party of Canada, a satirical, federally registered political party in Canada, received 1.01% of the popular vote in the 1980 federal election campaigning to repeal the law of gravity and provide higher education by building taller schools, among other promises.
By taking advantage of the electoral college, a US presidential candidate can win with only 22% of the popular vote
In the USA, a candidate could win the electoral college while winning only about 22% of the nationwide popular vote.
Popular Vote data charts
For your convenience take a look at Popular Vote figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why popular vote is bad?
You can easily fact check why popular vote doesn't work by examining the linked well-known sources.
A study of Reddit found that half of the most popular submissions got no votes when they were originally made and only became popular after being reposted.
Donald duck is so popular in nordic countries that they had to change the voting laws to prevent voting for nonexistent candidates. - source
Hitler never won a majority of the popular vote. The most the Nazis received in a free and fair election was 37% of the popular vote in the July 1932 German federal election. - source
Andrew Jackson lost the presidency in 1824 despite winning both the popular and electoral vote.
There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States. - source
When popular vote different from electoral college?
In the U.S. election of 1860, Lincoln, who won the election, did not even appear on the ballot in 10 Southern states. He won with only 40% of the popular vote. Southern states seceded in part because they felt they were not represented.
How many presidents have lost the popular vote?
The National Popular Vote Interstate Contract, an agreement by 10 states to give all their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote; this would ensure that the popular vote winner is always elected President.
Andrew Jackson was the first person to win the popular vote, but lose a presidential election.
James K. Polk (often called the "least known consequential president") advocated for the abolishment of the Electoral college, instead believing the POTUS should be elected by popular vote.
In Marvel comics, Stephen Colbert won the popular vote in the 2008 U.S. presidential election.
There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states (with the exception of some states)
Popular vote infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Popular Vote numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Comparison between projected seats won and seats if it was a popular vote for federal Canada 2019 election as of August 26