Metropolitan Areas facts
While investigating facts about Metropolitan Areas By Population and Metropolitan Areas In The Us, I found out little known, but curios details like:
9 of the 10 most densely populated cities and towns in the US are located within the New York City metropolitan area
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When there is a rise in country music played on the radio within metropolitan areas, suicide rates rise as well.
What are the 10 largest metropolitan areas in the us?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the 10 largest metropolitan areas in the world. Here are 48 of the best facts about Metropolitan Areas In Canada and Metropolitan Areas By Population Us I managed to collect.
what are the 10 largest metropolitan areas in the united states?
Guangzhou, the "Capital of the Third World" is the largest city by metropolitan area and that at 44 million is larger than the entire state of California
There are more people in the Tokyo metropolitan area than there are in the entirety of Canada
Dallas is the largest metropolitan area in the nation not on a navigable body of water.
4 out of the 5 richest counties in the US are in the DC Metropolitan area.
The capital and largest city in Chiapas is Tuxtla Gutierezz. The metropolitan area of the city is nearly 800,000 people.
While the city of Madrid has approximately 3.14 million residents, the metropolitan area of Madrid has more than 6.7 million residents in total.
The capital and largest city of Durango is Victoria de Durango, often referred to as Durango City. Durango has a metropolitan area of nearly 700,000 people.
There are approximately 805,166 residents living in the city of Amsterdam, and 2.34 million living in Amsterdam's metropolitan area.
Puebla de Zaragoza, often just referred to as "Puebla City," is the capital and largest city in Puebla. It has a metropolitan area of more than three million people. Puebla served as an early Spanish outpost and then the territory and later state developed around it.
Monterrey is the capital and largest city in Neuvo Leon. It has more than four and a half million people in its metro area, making it the third largest metropolitan area in Mexico.
Metropolitan Areas data charts
For your convenience take a look at Metropolitan Areas figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are idzs located away from major metropolitan areas?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Detroit Metropolitan area has more people than it has ever had and is up 15% since 2010.
The Met was built in an area that was seen as undesirable, far from the wealthy mansions and paved streets of NYC.
The New York City metropolitan area has an economy of over 1.6 trillion dollars, and if it was a country it would have a GDP larger than Russia's and only slightly smaller than Brazil's. - source
The Greater Tokyo Area is the world's largest metropolitan area. More than 30 million people live there.
While New York City has the most populous metropolitan area, Mexico City is the most populous city in North America. - source
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In the original version of "Lilo and Stitch", Stitch takes a 747 for a 'joyride' around some buildings in a metropolitan area. Since it was released just after 9/11, it was changed to Stitch taking a spaceship for a ride around some mountains.
How are metropolitan statistical areas determined?
The the New York City metropolitan area population is approximately equal to the state populations of Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Hawaii, Idaho, West Virginia, Nebraska, New Mexico and Nevada combined.
Half of U.S. GDP is produced by 22 Metropolitan Areas
During the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the evacuation of Tokyo, the world's most populous metropolitan area, was once considered
The Providence, Rhode Island metropolitan area population exceeds the population of Rhode Island by nearly 60%
The Florida Panthers hockey team have averaged ~3,500 viewers per game for years despite being in a metropolitan area of 5 million people - losing to infomercials in the same market as well as a 7 AM kids' show named "Doodlebops"
Metropolitan areas infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Metropolitan Areas numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Median rent increase during last five years in America's largest metropolitan areas