Universal Studios facts
While investigating facts about Universal Studios Florida and Universal Studios Hollywood, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Nintendo character Kirby was named after John Kirby, the legal counsel for Nintendo who helped them win their lawsuit with Universal Studios in 1982. John Kirby was gifted a sailboat Christened the “Donkey Kong” and given exclusive rights to name any boat he owned “Donkey Kong.”
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Universal Studios' "Jurassic Park: The Ride" cost twice as much to make as the actual Jurassic Park film.
What is at universal studios?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what rides are at universal studios florida. Here are 50 of the best facts about Universal Studios Tickets and Universal Studios Singapore I managed to collect.
what rides are at universal studios?
Disney threatened to sue three daycare centers in Hallandale, Florida for the unauthorized use of their characters. Universal Studios responded by giving the daycares the permission to paint their licensed characters, including those from Hanna-Barbera.
In 1987 Steven Spielberg made a deal with Universal Studios Florida to licence his films for rides in return for 2% of the gross revenues in perpetuity (including tickets & concession sales). The annual payout exceeds $50M & will keep growing unless he agrees to a multi-billion dollar buyout.
Steven Spielberg made up that he snuck into Universal Studios, found an empty office and began his internship by faking it. In reality his father had to pull some strings to get him an internship through a family friend.
Disney does not own the rights to show "big" Marvel characters (Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man, etc) in theme parks east of the Mississippi, due to a contract Marvel signed with Universal Studios in the 90s
J.K. Rowling can go to Universal Studios and tell them to change anything about the Harry Potter area if it is incorrect, not accurate to the book, or even if she doesn't like it. (Link is contract)
In 1982, Universal Studios sued Nintendo on the grounds that Donkey Kong was an exact copy of Universal-alleged owned King Kong. The judge ruled that Universal acted in bad faith by threatening Nintendo's licensees and it had no right over King Kong due to being in public domain.
Mike Myers was sued by Universal studios for 3.8 million because he backed out of his "Dieter" contract, saying he didn't want to cheat moviegoers with a terrible script. Instead of paying he starred in The Cat in the Hat
That, on the 1996 opening day of the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios Hollywood, Steven Spielberg boarded the ride but requested that he be let off before the 86 foot (26 m) drop.
Universal Studios, Inc sued Sony and its distributors in 1976, alleging that because Sony was manufacturing a device (Betamax) that could be used for copyright infringement, they were thus liable for any infringement committed by its purchasers. Essentially trying to kill videotape recording.
The HP Lovecraft novella "At the Mountains of Madness" was planned to be adapted into a film directed by Guillermo del Toro, produced by James Cameron, but it has not been greenlit since 2011 due to Universal Studios wanting it to be a PG-13-rated film instead of R-rated.
Universal Studios data charts
For your convenience take a look at Universal Studios figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is the simpsons at universal studios by examining the linked well-known sources.
Mickey Mouse is based on Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Walt Disney created Oswald but rights to the character were taken by Universal Studios. Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse as a replacement for Disney Studios. He made sure all future characters were owned directly by Disney.
After Nintendo won their 1985 case against Universal Studios over their game Donkey Kong, they thanked their attorney with a $30,000 sailboat named Donkey Kong and "exclusive worldwide rights to use the name for sailboats". - source
A man once fell into the water of the Universal Studios Jaws ride and nearly reamed by the mechanical shark. Passengers on the boat thought it was part of the ride but the man suffered injuries and sued the park. - source
When the head of Universal Studios saw a film by a young student named Steven Spielberg, he called him in for a meeting, offered him a 7-year contract and told him, "a lot of people will stick with you in success; I’ll stick with you in failure."
Disney isn't legally allowed to develop Marvel attractions based on X-Men, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Avengers, and their "families" on its East Coast theme parks, nor use the Marvel name in both of its West/East Coast parks due to the 1994 contract Marvel signed with Universal Studios - source
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Universal Studios, United Artists, and Disney rejected to get involved with "Star Wars" due to budget concerns or believing it wouldn't succeed due to being too strange. Only 20th Century Fox agreed because they wanted to form relations with George Lucas after his success of "American Graffiti".
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Nintendo's Kirby is Named After John Kirby, Nintendo of America's Former Lawyer Who Represented Nintendo In The Case Vs Universal Studios Over Donkey Kong.
Guillermo del Toro talked with Universal to direct a remake of Creature from the Black Lagoon, tried pitching a version where the Creature ended up together with the female lead, the studio rejected the concept. However, The Shape of Water received a leading 13 nominations at the 90th Oscars.
Toho Studios actually employs a man whose official title is "Chief Godzilla Officer." His name is Keiji Ota, and he's currently laying plans for a Godzilla Cinematic Universe.
Despite Tobe Hooper being credited as a director for the 1982 film "Poltergeist", Steven Spielberg actually directed most of the movie. He was only credited as a producer due to the contractual clause with Universal Studios forbidding him to direct any film while working on E.T.
The kid from the movie "Problem Child" (Michael Oliver) and his mother were sued after filming commenced on the sequel for coercing Universal Studios to pay him more. The first movie grossed $54 Million and he made $40k.