Theme Park facts
While investigating facts about Theme Parks Near Me and Theme Parks Uk, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When Dolly Parton first hosted an annual "Gay Day" at her theme park, Dollywood, the KKK and others threatened her over it. She still gets threats but this hasn't stopped the event.
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Disney almost made 'The Dark Kingdom' at Walt Disney World, a Fifth Park that was themed around it's Villains
What theme parks are in florida?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what theme parks are in california. Here are 50 of the best facts about Theme Parks and Theme Parks In Orlando I managed to collect.
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In the mid 2000s, Disney bid the rights to use Harry Potter for theme park attractions. However, Disney refused to give its creative control to JK Rowling's demands, and JK Rowling went to Universal Parks & Resorts instead, in which Universal gave into her terms.
When the Six Flags Over Texas theme park opened in 1961, it had a section dedicated to the Confederacy where actors would hunt through the crowd for Union "spies" and "execute" them by firing squad, and where boys and girls could sign up to defend the South as soldiers and nurses.
Disney World once considered building a fifth theme park dedicated to villains, called "The Dark Kingdom"
Disney almost created a theme park for villains called 'The Dark Kingdom'.
Disney does not own the rights to show "big" Marvel characters (Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man, etc) in theme parks east of the Mississippi, due to a contract Marvel signed with Universal Studios in the 90s
Disney was forced to abandon its policy of letting disabled people skip lines in its theme parks, after rampant abuse of the rule by people hiring disabled “tour guides” to skip waiting for rides. These guides sometimes charged up to hundreds of dollars per hour.
Selfie sticks are banned from all Disney theme parks.
RollerCoaster Tycoon was originally created by Chris Sawyer as an excuse to visit theme parks and "research" roller coasters.
A theme park in Lithuania recreates life as a USSR citizen. Visitors have their belongings confiscated, wear gas masks, experience interrogation, and must learn the Soviet anthem. Their reward is a shot of vodka.
There is a planned theme park in London called 'London Paramount' that will cost £2bn and be 1.5x the size of Disneyland and have BBC themed rides such as Doctor Who
Theme Park data charts
For your convenience take a look at Theme Park figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why disney is the best theme park?
You can easily fact check why are theme parks abandoned by examining the linked well-known sources.
After the 1980 film Popeye flopped, the set was abandoned, so the locals of Mellieha, Malta reclaimed it as a Popeye theme park.
Some roller coasters are recycled by selling them and moving them to other theme parks. This is partly because a reclaimed roller coaster can cost 80% less than a new one. One roller coaster, Tsunami, has been at 4 different theme parks since 1986. - source
The King of Jordan, King Abdullah II, appeared as an extra on an episode of Star Trek and is currently building a Star Trek themed amusement park in Jordan. - source
There's a theme park in Japan where kids can experience adult life (working, banking, etc)
Disney makes twice as much money from their theme parks than what they make from their actual movies. - source
When theme parks will reopen?
Disney attempted an American themed amusement park to be built in Virginia. It was canceled due to opposition from citizen's groups. Disney then attempted to buy Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, CA. The park owners refused to sell in fear of what Disney would do with the property.
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In the US more people visit museums than go to sporting events and theme parks combined
A theme park in Transylvania that's 400 feet below ground. Once a salt mine and cheese storing facility, visitors can ride a Ferris wheel, row around a lake, play mini golf, and more.
South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut's major themes were censorship and controversy surrounding young viewers being exposed to mature themes in film. Their film ended up being the most viewed R-Rated film by underage viewers of the year.
There is a near-abandoned Flintstones-themed camp ground and amusement park in Arizona, about 30 minutes from the Grand Canyon, complete with year-round camping and a "Bedrock Theater" that plays Flintstones cartoons
In 2015, Disney banned selfie sticks from all its theme parks worldwide.