Trading Partner facts
While investigating facts about Trading Partner In Sap and Trading Partner Id, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Canada, not China, is the largest trade partner of the United States
china is the largest trading partner of how many countries?
Once European settlers discovered that novaculite could be used to sharpen metal, they began producing sharpening tools and trading those to all distant partners expanding the use of novaculite to an even broader area.
What is america's biggest trading partner?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a trading partner id. Here are 15 of the best facts about Trading Partner Table In Sap and Trading Partner Id Lookup I managed to collect.
what's trading partner?
Djibouti's major trading partners include Indonesia, China, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and India.
As a 'gift' to Costa Rica, China supplied the materials, funded and built the Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica (Costa Rica's national soccer stadium). In return, Costa Rica severed its economic ties with Taiwan and made China its 2nd biggest trading partner.
Pacific island nations Samoa and Tokelau changed time zones to be in sync with major trading partners Australia and New Zealand. In addition to losing a day, they went from being among the last countries in the world to ring in the New Year to being among the first.
The largest trading partner for Germany, India, SKorea and Japan is no longer the USA, but it is China. Furthermore, the largest trading partner of the USA is also China.
Samoa and Tokelau, two Pacific islands, jumped one whole day at the end of 2011 to align their time with trade partners, crossing the International Date Line, and erasing 30 Dec 2011 from their calendar!
The Shanghai Marriage Market is a weekly market where parents can go to trade information about their children in hopes of finding them a suitable partner. It is held on Saturdays and Sundays at People's Park.
Nearly All US Trading Partners Impose Higher Tariffs on US Goods than vice-versa
China's biggest agricultural export is Onions OEC - China (CHN) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners
Mexico is America's 3rd largest trade partner in the world netting the US $267.2 billion a year. Oops!
Russia is the 30th largest trading partner to the US, just behind Chile.
Trading Partner data charts
For your convenience take a look at Trading Partner figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is china australia's top trading partner?
You can easily fact check why is the us canada's largest trading partner by examining the linked well-known sources.
Sony/Columbia owns the Spiderman film rights only because they partnered with Kevin McClory, a man who won a legal battle to make his own 007 movies, and bullied MGM/UA into a trade.
Despite having a huge economy and population, India's biggest trading partner is the small Gulf state the United Arab Emirates (UAE). - source
Mexico is the United States' third-largest trade partner, accounting for $1.5 billion in bilateral trade across its border on any given day. - source
Trading partner infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Trading Partner numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Every US state's most important international trading partners.