Western Europe facts
While investigating facts about Eastern Europe and Western Europe Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1989 a Russian fighter jet pilot had to eject from his airplane causing the aircraft to fly pilotless over Western Europe and crashed into a solitary house in Belgium killing a 19-year old man that was taking a nap for his finals
how did the fall of rome impact western europe?
Lions used to be the world's second most widespread land mammal, ranging from western Europe to India and in the Americas from Peru to the Yukon
What's western european?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what western european country chose not to be in the eu. Here are 50 of the best facts about Western Europe Countries and Western European Countries I managed to collect.
what's western europe?
Since criminalization of buying sex in Sweden prostitution hasn't decreased, violence against prostitutes has increased and Sweden now trails virtually all of Western Europe in harm prevention for prostitutes[pdf].
The head of the German Nazi Intelligence service, Wilhelm Franz Canaris, deeply trusted by Hitler himself, had quietly worked to sabotage the Nazi war effort from the very first day, likely saving Western Europe.
Hitler proposed a peace treaty to Churchill in 1941 by which the Germans would have evacuated Western Europe if the UK remained neutral when Germany attacked Russia, Churchill refused.
In 1698 Peter The Great introduced the “Beard Tax” after he visited Western Europe and liked their fashion sense. Anyone with a beard was forced to pay tax for it, and in turn given a beard token. If you were stopped by the police without the token they would immediately shave your face on sight
Historians believe the fate of Christianity hinged on the Battle of Tours where an Arab invasion force was defeated by a Frankish force in present-day France, preventing the spread of Islam to all of Western Europe and preserving Christianity as the religion of Europe.
The Basque language is the only isolate language of Western Europe - it is not related to Spanish, French, or any other known language.
The longest cable in the world is the SEA-ME-WE-3, which runs from Western Europe, through the Middle East and finally to South East Asia and it provides communication to 33 countries. It's 39,000 km long.
Lisbon is the oldest city in Western Europe
One of the reasons Japanese culture is often seen as bizarre in the Western World is because Japan is only one of five countries to never be colonized by Europe.
In the 50s a frenchman was both fined and given a gold medal for the unintentional killing of an estimated 90% of the rabbits in France, 99% in Britain and many more across western Europe
Western Europe data charts
For your convenience take a look at Western Europe figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why western europe has high density of population?
You can easily fact check why did western european economies grow faster by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Roman Empire in the year 150 was so wealthy that all of Western Europe may not have equaled its GDP until 1500
Half of men in Western Europe are the descendants of a single Bronze-age king - source
The Gulf Stream has such an effect on temperatures in Western Europe, that it puts them in a completely different climate to other places at the same latitude around the world. Parts of Canada that have polar bears are on the same latitude as Scotland. - source
In 1250 the western towers and the north rose window were completed.
Skanderbeg was an Albanian nobleman whose military skills allowed his small 10,000 men army to be credited with being one of the main reasons for the delay of Ottoman expansion into Western Europe. The damage inflicted was such that he is said to have slain 3,000 Ottomans with his own hand. - source
Years ago when i was backpacking across western europe?
The Monroe Doctrine didn't just oppose European interference in the Western Hemisphere - it was also a promise the USA would not interfere in Europe
How many countries in western europe?
The Arctic Ice has melted so much that there is a new canal through Canada. This shortened northbound routes that previously had to go all the way down to the PANAMA CANAL to get through from northern/western Europe to the western U.S.
In the 900s the armillary sphere was introduced to Western Europe.
Cicero translated many of the Greek classics into Latin, which is how many of those works were preserved in western Europe during the Dark Ages.
In northern and western Europe, the Iron Age began around 1200 BC and was spread by various Celtic peoples.
One of the central points of the Marshall Plan was the development of free trade among member nations in western Europe, which provided a roadmap for the European Union.
Western europe infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Western Europe numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Smoking rate - more prevalent in Europe and the Western Pacific region