Oil Reserves facts
While investigating facts about Oil Reserves By Country and Oil Reserves In Pakistan, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Dubai is not actually dependent on oil revenue. They used their relatively limited reserves, found in 1966, to build infrastructure throughout the 70's and then transitioned their economy to real estate and construction (22.6%), trade (16%), ports (15%) and financial services (11%).
how oil reserves are formed?
Norway has $850bn cash reserves, largely from oil, and chooses to invest rather than spending it
What country has the largest oil reserves?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what country has the most oil reserves. Here are 50 of the best facts about Oil Reserves In Pakistan Sea and Oil Reserves In India I managed to collect.
what oil reserves are left in the world?
Norway reserves the right to repurchase Orkney and Shetland (and its billions in oil reserves) for a fixed sum of gold and silver, worth around £800k
There are large buildings all over LA that hide oil rigs from the general public, some disguised as office blocks. The city sits on a massive oil reserve.
Venezuela has more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia but produces less than a forth of what Saudi produces per year.
The Soviets and the UK invaded Iran during World War II in order to prevent their oil reserves from falling into Nazi hands.
The "50 years of oil and gas supply" remaining for global reserves is the same time estimation as 30 years ago, 20 years ago, and 10 years ago. The amount available to extract steadily increases with efficiency and technology and has done so at roughly the pace of extraction for decades.
Canada has a crude oil reserve over 4x the size of America's. North Korea has none.
An encyclopedia company gave away tracts of wasteland to buyers of their whole set. This backfired when the lots at Huntington Beach were found to contain large oil reserves.
Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, surpassing Saudi Arabia
Russia is rapidly depleting its Reserve Fund and is expected to run out of cash in 2017. The fund contained $91.7 Billion at the end of 2014 and contained $32.2 Billion as of September, 2016. The drawdown is largely due to oil prices that continue to lag budgeted targets.
Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, totaling 297 billion barrels. In addition to conventional oil, Venezuela has oil sands deposits similar in size to those of Canada, and approximately equal to the world's reserves of conventional oil.
Oil Reserves data charts
For your convenience take a look at Oil Reserves figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why venezuela is poor despite oil reserves?
You can easily fact check why are oil reserves in the middle east by examining the linked well-known sources.
Methane Hydrate, a new and completely untapped reservoir of fossil fuel exists in huge amounts in the deep sea. Is estimated that there could be more potential fossil fuel contained in the methane hydrates than in all classic coal, oil and natural gas reserves combined.
Venezuela has the world's 2nd largest oil reserve. It is also one of the top crude exporters in the world.
There have been ongoing disputes about the ownership rights to the Timor Sea due to its extensive oil and gas reserves. The original treaty between Australia and Indonesia was called the Timor Gap Treaty. Later a new treaty was established called the Timor Sea Treaty.
The country with the most proven oil reserves (even more than Saudi Arabia) is Venezuela.
There are major gas and oil reserves believed to be located beneath the sea bed of the South China Sea.
When oil reserves will run out?
About the Taylor Oil Spill, a spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2004 and is STILL ongoing today in 2019 with an estimated 300-700 barrels of oil per day spilling into the ocean. There is enough oil reserve for this to continue for 100 years if not contained
How oil reserves are estimated?
Up to 233 billion barrels of oil discovered in South Australia, with a potential value of $20 trillion. These reserves, if correctly estimated and are able to be extracted, rival that of Saudi Arabia.
There are significant gas and oil reserves located in the Bohai Sea. There are often oil spills in this region. In 2011 three occurred in only two months.
There are an estimated 800 million barrels of oil located under Yasuni National Park's surface. This is equal to roughly 20% of the country's reserves. Efforts to raise the money needed to protect the reserves without harming Ecuador's economy have not been sufficient.
Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserve on the planet.
There was a massacre at El Alto Bolivia where 68 dead and 400 injured, including onlookers and children while Protesting the privatization of Bolivia’s oil and gas reserves,