Largest Exporter facts
While investigating facts about Largest Exporter Of Beef and Largest Exporter Of Rice, I found out little known, but curios details like:
France generates roughly 73% of it's electricity from Nuclear Power, is one of the world's largest exporters of power, and has not had a single nuclear related fatality.
how is the netherlands the second largest food exporter?
That, despite being 10 times smaller than California, The Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agricultural and food products: In addition, Dutch farms are some of the most water-efficient in the world
Australia is the world's largest exporter of what?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering canada is the largest exporter of what fruit. Here are 50 of the best facts about Largest Exporter Of Oil and Largest Exporter In The World I managed to collect.
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One of North Korea's largest exports is giant statues of foreign dictators.
53 percent of the people who live in Fiji don't have access to clean, safe water yet Fiji water is the nation's largest export
The Netherlands is the world's second-largest exporter of food and agricultural products, after the United States despite having one of the largest population densities of the world.
The small country of the Netherlands is the 2nd largest exporter of agricultural goods behind the USA, with exports earning $79 billion in 2013. They export two thirds of the world's fresh-cut plants, flowers, and flower bulbs.
Germany is the third largest exporter on Earth, accounting for nearly as much exports as the entire US, and for $1.5 trillion of the EU's $2.1 trillion in exports.
Boston businessman and eccentric Timothy Dexter was tricked into shipping coal to Newcastle, England, then the largest exporter of coal in the world. The ship arrived in port during a miner's strike, selling the coal at a premium and making Dexter a good profit.
Farmers need 214 liters of water to grow 1 kg of tomatoes. The Dutch use only 4 liters and are the 2nd largest exporter of food in the world.
Venezuela has the world's 2nd largest oil reserve. It is also one of the top crude exporters in the world.
Approximately 75% of France's total electricity generation is derived from its 58 fission reactors, and it is the largest net exporter of electricity in the world.
Largest Exporter data charts
For your convenience take a look at Largest Exporter figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why india is largest exporter of beef?
You can easily fact check france is the second-largest food exporter in the world. why is that remarkable by examining the linked well-known sources.
India is the second largest beef exporter in the world inspite of its consumption being banned in India
Paraguay is the world's tenth largest wheat exporter.
Australia is the largest iron ore exporter with some of the major markets being Korea, Japan, and China.
The Netherlands is the 2nd largest agricultural exporter in the world, having exported over $94 billion worth of agricultural products in 2014.
Ireland's 3rd largest export in 2016 was blood - source
When did the us become the largest exporter of oil?
Despite being one of the smallest countries, Liechtenstein is the world's largest exporter of false teeth
How did china become the world's largest exporter?
Morocco is the world's largest producer of cannabis. And yet it is illegal and of necessity, all exports are smuggled.
The Netherlands is the world's second largest exporter of agri-food
Canada is the largest exporter of Mustard Seeds in the world.
America is the world's largest exporter of sperm
In 2017 Canada was the largest exporter of crude oil to the US and exported more crude to the US than every OPEC country combined