Clinical Trials facts
While investigating facts about Clinical Trials Near Me and Clinical Trials Phases, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Around half of all clinical trials by drug companies go unpublished. Which leads to overestimation of drug efficiency and an underestimation of dangers. And that a movement called AllTrials, which is supported by hundreds of organisations, has been fighting for all trials to be released.
how clinical trials work?
In a review of clinical drug trials, almost all negative studies were unpublished, leading to the false impression that 93% of antidepressant trials had positive results. When unpublished studies were included, 51% of all clinical trials were positive and 49% were negative.
What clinical trials are open?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the phases of clinical trials. Here are 50 of the best facts about Clinical Trials Uk and Clinical Trials Australia I managed to collect.
what's clinical trials?
Eli Lilly, the company behind the SSRI antidepressant Prozac, hid its clinical trials from the FDA that showed patients who took Prozac were 12 times more likely to commit suicide compared to older antidepressants.
A clinical trial in 2016 held at Stanford University School of Medicine found that injecting modified human stem cells directly into the brains of chronic stroke patients can re-enable patients to walk.
Traci Johnson, a healthy 19-year-old college student volunteer enrolled in a clinical trial for the antidepressant Cymbalta and shortly after hung herself at the testing facility.
The FDA approved the first gene therapy drug for use in the US - the drug modifies patient T-cells to hunt down and destroy cancer cells and has produced very high response and remission rates in clinical trials.
The Sinclair Method is 80% effective in 90 clinical trials at treating alcohol addiction, much more effective in the long term to the 12 Step Method from AA.
A 26 year old male tried to commit suicide by swallowing 29 pills that he had recieved during a clinical trial. He was rushed to the hospital and was seemingly about to die from the side effects until he learned he had recieved placebo
Bayer's testing group rejected Aspirin for clinical trials because of its potential to "weaken the heart" and instead decided to pursue developing heroin.
Prior to 1993 the FDA banned women from participating in clinical trials. This resulted in a dangerous lack of awareness about how certain drugs impacted women and has led to misunderstandings about how certain diseases affect men and women differently that persist today.
95% of the drugs thought to be promising after experiments on mice, fail when subjected to clinical trials.
Groundbreaking new cancer therapies ramp up the body's own immune system to eradicate cancer cells. One promising immunotherapy method, known as CAR T, has shown incredible success in clinical trials with children when most other options have failed.
Clinical Trials data charts
For your convenience take a look at Clinical Trials figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why clinical trials are conducted?
You can easily fact check why clinical trials failed by examining the linked well-known sources.
The first birth control pill used Puerto Rican women as guinea pigs for their clinical trials.
Only 17% of paid clinical trials in the US had their results published in the time required by law. Not publishing all trials allows drug makers to hide unflattering results, and helps medicines look safer and more effective than they really are. - source
The Chinese Government Found That More Than 80% Of The Data Used In Clinical Trials Of New Pharmaceutical Drugs Have Been "Fabricated", And That The Behavior Persists At Almost Every Level - source
The drug Viagra was developed to lower blood pressure, with its main current use being discovered as a "side effect" in clinical trials.
There has never been a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial measuring the benefits of lowering a fever when patients have influenza, and some research indicates fever reducers can make illness more severe. - source
When clinical trials gone wrong?
The findings of world's largest antidepressant trial which showed an avg improvement of 6.6 points on HRSD which is less than placebo & falls below the threshold of 7 on CGI scale which corresponds to 'minimally improved’ suggesting clinical trials grossly overestimate antidepressant efficacy
How clinical trials are conducted?
Oxycyte can carry five times more oxygen than hemoglobin but it is not a complete blood substitute and it is still in clinical trials.
Craniosacral therapy (CST), a way of manipulating the synarthrodial joints of the cranium. Practitioners believe that this regulates the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and aids in "primary respiration". A systematic review of randomized clinical trials concluded it "is bogus".
Around half of the clinical trials done on medicines we use today are not published
About MK-677, an investigational new drug known as a GH secretagogue that can be taken orally and has been shown to significantly increase basal metabolic rate and fat free mass in obese human subjects with little to no side effects in several clinical trials.
A study that looked at both published and unpublished clinical trial data concluded that Paxil offers only a slight benefit over placebo for treating anxiety and depression
Clinical trials infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Clinical Trials numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Clinical Trials Landscape in Atlanta, Georgia