Beats Minute facts
While investigating facts about Heart Beats Minute Normal and How Many Beats Minute Heart, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Far Cry 4, if you take the main villain at their word and wait at a table for about 13 minutes for them to return, you can beat the game without even picking up a weapon.
how many beats per minute is normal?
A human heart of a coke user can keep beating outside your body for 25 minutes
What is normal beats per minute?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the average heart beats per minute. Here are 50 of the best facts about Heart Beats Minute and How Many Beats/minute I managed to collect.
what is normal heart beats per minute?
Dane Cook has Laugh Factory's endurance record of performing for 7 hours straight, beating previous record held by Dave Chappelle by 38 minutes.
Spaceballs wasn't the the first Star Wars parody, a 13 minute short titled Hardware Wars released in 1978 was the first. With a production cost of $8k and box office of $1million it even beat the earnings ratio of Star Wars. During a 1999 interview George Lucas named it his favorite.
The first televised MMA fight occurred in 1963 when boxer Jim Beck offered $1,000 to any Judo practitioner (who he termed “Judo Bums”) that could beat a professional boxer. Gene Lebell took on the challenge, and won after choking out his opponent and leaving him unconscious for 20 minutes.
Yuri Gagarin's heart was beating at 64 beats per minute just half an hour before the launch that would bring him to space. 64 BPM is lower than the average person's pulse just after waking up in the morning
The Man versus Horse Marathon, which originated from a pub bet in 1980. It was being disputed that over the right terrain and over enough distance, a man could outrun a horse. In 2004, that bet was settled when Huw Lobb beat the fastest horse by two minutes.
An Etruscan Shrew's heart can beat over 1200 times a minute, and it's metabolic rate is so fast it can die within 4-5 hours from starvation if it does not eat. It's also really tiny and cute.
A blue whale's heart can weigh in excess of 1,300 lbs and be the size of a small car. Their hearts beat at a rate of 8–10 beats per minute and can be heard from over 2 miles away.
In 1989, Ole Bentzen, a Danish audiologist, who was observing a screening of the 1988 comedy film A Fish Called Wanda, laughed uncontrollably to the point that his heart rate rose to an estimated 250–500 beats per minute, leading to a fatal heart attack
The British Heart Foundation recommends performing CPR to the beat of "Stayin' Alive". The song has around 104 BPM, and and 100-120 chest compressions per minute are ideal.
Surfer Chris Blowes survived having his left leg taken by a Great White Shark, despite having no heart beat for the 90 minute trip to the hospital, during which the paramedics conducted nonstop, two-person CPR, keeping oxygenated blood flowing through his brain.
Beats Minute data charts
For your convenience take a look at Beats Minute figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about beats minute?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
About Aimo Koivunen, a Finnish ski commando who in 1944 escaped from pursuing Russians by taking 30 pills of Pervitin. He skied for 400 kilometers in -20C temperatures with no food and ammunition, got injured by a landmine, and had a pulse rate of 200 beats per minute by the time he was found.
Daniel Green's doctor measured his heart rate at 26 beats per minute the lowest BPM ever recorded, roughly that of an elephant. - source
A NASCAR driver maintains the same heart rate - 120 to 150 beats per minute for 3-plus hours - as a serious marathon runner for about the same length of time - source
Scrambled eggs are fluffier and more tender if you beat the eggs and add salt 15 minutes before cooking them.
Your heart is run on electricity. A special spot in the top of your right heart, known as the SA node, sends electricity into the rest of your heart. This causes the heart to squeeze (also called contract), and pushes the blood out. The SA node causes your heart to beat a specific number of times per minute.
Beats per minute when exercising?
NHL player Rick Peverley collapsed on the bench and his heart stopped beating for 2 minutes till it was restarted with a defibrillator. When he woke up the first thing he asked was "Can I go back in the game."
How many beats per minute is a heart attack?
Heart of the blue whale is the same size as the Mini Cooper. It beats 5 to 6 times in a minute while on the surface and 3 times while diving. Blue whale's major arteries and veins are so large that small child can pass through them.
Tommy Lee Jones was an offensive guard on the Undefeated Harvard Football team in 1968 that famously "beat" Yale 29-29 by scoring 16 points in the final 2 minutes of the game to tie the score.
At his prime, champion cyclist Miguel Indurain had a resting heart rate of just 28 beats per minute, the average rate is 60-90
The heart is made up of muscle, called cardiac muscle. This muscle works all by itself with no thought. The heart beats anywhere from 60 to 100 times a minute, every minute, of every day in a human life!