Conviction Rate facts
While investigating facts about Conviction Rate Of Police Officers and Conviction Rates By Crime, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Japan's criminal justice system has a conviction rate of over 99%. To Japanese citizens and police, the arrest itself already creates the presumption of guilt which needs only to be verified via a confession.
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The Japanese justice system has a 99.8% conviction rate, mostly reliant on confessions that are often procured using methods such as detention for days with severe interrogation, or grabbing their ankles to make their feet stomp on the names of family members.
What conviction rate means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the federal conviction rate. Here are 16 of the best facts about Conviction Rate Rape Statistics Uk and Conviction Rate In Japan I managed to collect.
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About The Delancey Street Foundation a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco that provides residential rehabilitation services and vocational training for substance abusers and convicted criminals. You earn your GED and are taught 3 marketable skills. It has a 90% success rate
Japan's justice system largely depends on confessions for convictions. Combined with the expectations (high conviction rate) and that a prosecutor's career is often over with a non-guilty verdict, methods are often used to get false confessions out of the accused.
Nearly all criminal cases that go to trial in Japan end in a guilty verdict - the country have a 99.9% conviction rate.
Japan has a conviction rate that exceeds 99%
Chinese courts have a 99,9% conviction rate
Phoenix Wright is a commentary on corruption within Japan's legal system. Before trial by jury was introduced 5 years ago, inquisitive trials led in tandum by prosecutors and the judiciary produced a 99% conviction rate with almost zero hope for the defendant.
Japan has a conviction rate of 99%, suspect can be held for 23 days with limited legal aid and that hanging is their method of execution
Chinese courts convict more than 99.9 per cent of defendants. Of 1.2 million people tried in Chinese courts only 1,039 were not guilty – resulting in an acquittal rate of around 0.08 per cent.
Between 1973 and 2012, 31 Chicago aldermen were convicted of corruption. Approximately 100 aldermen served in that period, which is a conviction rate of about one-third.
The rate of criminal conviction in Japan is over 99%
Conviction Rate data charts
For your convenience take a look at Conviction Rate figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is japan's conviction rate so high?
You can easily fact check why does japan have a 99 conviction rate by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Japan, once you're caught breaking the law, the conviction rate is 99,8% - source
Rich and well-connected people in China who commit crimes can have "replacement convicts" serve their time in prison. In exchange for the replacements serving time, the actual criminals will pay their substitutes a daily rate and also provide financial support to their family. - source
37% of exonerations due to wrongful conviction come from the state of Illinois, which has a “false confession” rate more than 3 times the national average.