Source Code facts
While investigating facts about Source Code Cast and Source Code 2, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The IRS uses two 58 year old computer systems for its Individual and Business Master Files, and they are written in assembly code, with data stored on tapes. The Individual Master File is the source where taxpayer accounts are updated, taxes are assessed, and refunds are generated.
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Duncan Jones, the director of Moon, Source Code and the Warcraft movie, is the son of the late David Bowie
What source code review?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what source code control. Here are 50 of the best facts about Source Code Pro and Source Code Trailer I managed to collect.
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In 2005, Sony illegally installed rootkits on 22 million computers to prevent the users from ripping copyrighted music, and could not be uninstalled. It also reported user's listening habits back to Sony. Ironically, the code itself contained open source software, and so infringed copyright.
Braille was based on a tactile military code called night writing, developed in response to Napoleon's demand for a means for soldiers to communicate silently at night and without a light source. It proved to be too difficult for soldiers to recognize by touch, and was rejected by the military
In 1986 Bethesda created their first PC title, a football game with advanced physics. EA approached Bethesda for the source code for their own franchise John Madden Football in return for publishing future Bethesda titles but mysteriously backed out of the deal after they received said code.
When it was time to make Pokemon Stadium, future Nintendo President Satoru Iwata got a hold of the PKMN Red/Green source code, and figured out how all the battle logic worked so it could be ported. The original programmer was astounded he figured out the complicated system - in just a week.
In 2004, a hacker from Germany revealed Half Life 2's source code andValve tried to arrest him by getting him to come to the states for a fake interview.
Netscape Navigator isn't dead - it's code was open sourced, improved and expanded upon, and is now known as Mozilla Firefox.
Donkey Kong not developed by Nintendo but rather a subcontracting company that also made Sega's Congo Bongo and Zaxxon. They successfully sued after Nintendo use their source code to create Donkey Kong Jr. without them.
Valve worked with the FBI to set a trap for the German hacker who stole the Half-life 2 source code, offering him a fake job. He was "saved" when German police arrested him instead, only serving 2 years probation
The .tv domain name is actually the country code for Tuvalu, and is the source of a large amount of their GDP (which is the lowest of any country)
About Open-Source Cola. It's like open source software, except instead of sharing code, it discloses and shares recipes for cola.
Source Code data charts
For your convenience take a look at Source Code figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why source code management?
You can easily fact check why source code control by examining the linked well-known sources.
The code of Chivalry had nothing to do with women till the 15th century and only then they are only mentioned in some versions so that soldiers in war didn't kill women, despite being thought of as a 'source of evil'.
Firefox was originally based on the source code used for Netscape, and they also created the Mozilla Organization. - source
There exists a license called "beerware" which lets anyone do whatever with their program and source code in exchange for leaving a mention of the author in the code and a beer. - source
In the "source code" of the world's first computer algorithm written by Ada Lovelace, it also contained the world's first "bug": in the forth operation the variables were printed as v5 / v4, when the correct order should be v4 / v5.
The piled together printed source code for Apollo mission is around 165 cm high and equals the height of mission's lead programmer, Margaret Hamilton (photo included) - source
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Elon Musk wrote and sold a video game, Blastar, in 1984. Musk, then 12, received $500 when it's source code was published in the South African magazine PC and Office Technology.
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The original Resident Evil was built upon the source code of Goof Troop for the Super Nintendo.
The flight software of the International Space Station (ISS) "exceeds 1.8 million lines of source code supported on the ground [Planet Earth] by a test environment comprised of another 3.3 million source lines of simulation software, and 11 million source lines of test scripts."
The Android operating system is classified as open source. This means that it is legal to modify Android source code and add new features.
The game which inspired Notch to create Minecraft (and which basically looks and plays very much like Minecraft) was abandoned by its developer after the hackers stole its source code
Margaret Hamilton, the woman responsible for the Apollo guidance source code and probably the mother of modern software.
Source code infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Source Code numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Code and comment weight: Linux kernel 5.1.14 source code