Web Server facts
While investigating facts about Web Server Vs Application Server and Web Server For Chrome, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Those responsible for the hack of Target's customers' credit card data entered through the HVAC system's internet connection which was serviceable via the web and connected to the same server as the credit card data.
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In the 90s there existed an Internet Protocol called Gopher, developed by University of Minnesota, that was initially more popular than the World Wide Web, died out because University of Minnesota decided to charge fees to use the implementation of the Gopher server
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what web server application. Here are 14 of the best facts about Web Server Definition and Web Server Software I managed to collect.
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Wikipedia was started with revenue from soft-core porn site Bomis. It also provided the site its initial bandwidth and web server needs.
The world's first-ever web site was built at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee and put online on 6 August 1991. It provided an explanation of what the World Wide Web was, and how one could use a browser and set up a web server. A copy of that original page is maintained here.
In 1998, one man acting on his own authority asked US gov't controlled operators of the Internet's root domain name servers (which map human web addresses to IP addresses) to transfer full control to an NGO. They complied, but were ordered by the USG to reverse the decision a week later.
Research involving honey bees led to practical applications including optimizing efficiencies of web hosting servers.
Recent Intel Chipsets Have A Built-In Hidden Computer, Running Minix With A Networking Stack And A Web Server...and someones found a way to hack it via USB (see comment)
The Apache web server has a bundled feature that corrects minor spelling errors in URLs. It's name is mod_speling.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee built the first web browser, called WorldWideWeb, in 1990. The first website and server was created six months later by his team, linked here.
Web Development With Wordpress | Class -2| Install Server | Mohiuddin Ro...
Web Development With Wordpress | Class -2| Install Server | Mohiuddin Ro...
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has between 2.8 and 5.6 million servers across its infrastructure.
Web Server data charts
For your convenience take a look at Web Server figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why web server down by examining the linked well-known sources.
If you use Quicken's "Express Web Connect" feature, they store your bank statements and your online banking username / password on Quicken servers.
About Robert McCool who developed Apache web server. - source