Game Dev facts
While investigating facts about Game Dev Tycoon Guide and Game Dev Tycoon, I found out little known, but curios details like:
'Red Shirt Guy' who stumped a panel of World Of Warcraft devs during a Q&A at BlizzCon, 2010, after asking about an inconsistency in the lore. Later, an NPC was introduced into the game who wore a bright red shirt and was named Wildhammer Fact Checker.
how game develop?
The indie developers of Game Dev Story uploaded a 'cracked' version of their game onto The Pirate Bay. In that version, your company could never succeed because of people pirating your game.
What game development?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what game developer is behind apex legends. Here are 28 of the best facts about Game Developer Salary and Game Development I managed to collect.
what game developers do?
Halo 2 PC was delayed because a Bungie dev hid a picture of his butt in the game.
The developers of Game Dev Tycoon released a pirated version that caused players to go bankrupt because of piracy
The developers of a game called Game Dev Tycoon, released 2 versions of their game; one was an official release, and the other was a pirated version released directly onto pirating sites. The only difference between them was that in the latter, in-game companies would go bankrupt due to piracy.
In 2011 after a game called "Smuggle Truck", about smuggling Mexicans across the border, was rejected by Apple the dev's changed the name to "Snuggle Truck" and made all the characters stuffed animals to cut controversial content.
The first 3D platformer was initially called "Sonic's Ass" because the devs figured you'd see the main character from behind a lot. The game was later released as "Crash Bandicoot"
Or Game Dev Tycoon's anti-piracy method. Greenheart Games, the developer of the game, released a modified version of the game onto various piracy sites with one major distinction from the real game: the player's games would eventually be pirated and they would go out of business
Some players in Asheron's Call complained that their game characters had bad luck and monsters always preferred attacking them, and no one believed them until the game devs eventually found the bug.
The original EverQuest game made a server called Discord. It was a pvp permadeath full loot server with prizes going to the first few players to hit level 50. The devs openly allowed cheats as well. It was a honeypot server to study cheats and then ban the exploiters after.
If you pirate "Game Dev Tycoon," the virtual games that the player develops will be virtually pirated, and the player will go bankrupt, making it impossible to win.
If players pirated the video game "Game Dev Tycoon" - a game where the goal is to create and sell video games for profit - their in-game games get massively pirated which renders it unplayable.
Game Dev data charts
For your convenience take a look at Game Dev figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why game development?
You can easily fact check why c++ for game development by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is a group of game devs rebuilding the Riven (sequel to Myst) game to have full 3D movement.
Wolfenstein 3D wasn't the first entry in the series. There were two games prior to it, both in the stealth game genre. The dev team behind the two games closed its doors in 1987, with Id Software making 3D, despite never acquiring the license. - source
GTA started off as a street racing game, but the Police AI messed up and became really aggressive trying to ram you off the road at one point. The devs liked this feature, so it stayed in the game and eventually became the focus of the series' future titles. - source
Rocksteady Studios, the game dev team known best for the Batman Arkham games, have literally only developed said games since their formation in 2004, as well as a 2006 game named Urban Chaos: Riot Response. They're currently working on an unknown game of an "existing IP."
Game Dev Digital Extremes removed a game mechanic for being too profitable, as they had inadvertantly created a slot machine mechanic. - source
When is duke blue devils next game?
To create the gruesome Necromorph monsters in their game Dead Space, the devs at EA Redwood Shores studied photos of car wreck victims
How to become a game developer?
If you download the pirated version of Game Dev Tycoon, a game about starting your own Game Development Company, your in-game company will go bankrupt due to piracy.
Bitcoin pre-release code had a decentralised poker game and a P2P market place. It later got removed by Bitcoin devs.
Ghost Rider almost had a side-scroller PS1 game developed by Nethersoft (Tony Hawk Pro Skater devs)
The Touhou Project is a series of ‘bullet hell’ shooters from japan that have been developed by a single man known as ZUN since 2002. He has made 18 games in the series by himself, including the music, art, and all gameplay aspects, under the dev team name of Team Shanghai Alice.