Open Source facts
While investigating facts about Open Source Software and Open Source Psychometrics Project, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2005, Sony illegally installed rootkits on 22 million computers to prevent the users from ripping copyrighted music, and could not be uninstalled. It also reported user's listening habits back to Sony. Ironically, the code itself contained open source software, and so infringed copyright.
how open source code?
John Deere forces farmers to pay for expensive repairs due to their proprietary software, and refusal to let farmers self repair their own equipment with open source tools
What's open source software?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's open source. Here are 50 of the best facts about Open Source Video Editor and Open Source Pdf Editor I managed to collect.
what open source means?
Netscape Navigator isn't dead - it's code was open sourced, improved and expanded upon, and is now known as Mozilla Firefox.
In 1987 a radiotherapy source containing Caesium-137 was stolen from an abandoned hospital in Brazil to be sold for scrap. The lead capsule was opened and the scrapyard owner's family members and friends played with the glowing material. The radioactive material killed 4 people.
Bill and Melinda Gates funded a website created by Rice University that provides free open-source textbooks for college students
In March 6, 2010 a blind hiker set on the Appalachian trail with a goal to inspire other visually impaired people. Seven months later, he finished hiking the 1,700 miles using only a cellphone, GPS open-source software, and hearing to locate camps, trailheads, and water sites.
Because insulin is incredibly expensive despite being the same drug discovered a century ago, there's a movement to create an open source, small-batch manufacturing process
Groupon is trying to take the name GNOME, a registered trademark, from the Open Source Linux Desktop environment of the same name that's been around for almost two decades for a proprietary app.
The Stacks Project. It is an open-source textbook with ~4700 pages, made by many mathematicians with the intention of collecting all the prerequisite knowledge required to understand an extremely abstract mathematical object known as 'algebraic stack'.
There is open source cola, OpenCola, which allows you to edit and submit improvements for the recipe.
There exists Free Beer, a beer whose recipe you can freely modify since the beer is open source. Currently, the beer is at version 6.0.
Open Source data charts
For your convenience take a look at Open Source figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why open source software is free?
You can easily fact check why open source code by examining the linked well-known sources.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey launched his tech career by writing open source software to route delivery trucks from the Internet
Marcin Jakubowski, a Princeton fusion physics graduate, had a hard time finding a job out of college so he turned to farming. Upon purchasing his first tractor, he realized how inaccessible and expensive farming equipment was, so he created an open source tractor design. - source
Sony released an open source, region lock free version of the Playstation One that allowed anyone with an interest to design Playstation One games - source
Open-source cola is any cola soft drink produced according to a published recipe. Unlike the infamously secretive Coca-Cola formula, these recipes are openly published and their re-use is encouraged.
Zonkey has nomadic lifestyle. Due to competition for food and water with other herbivores in the savannas and open woodlands of Africa, it constantly travels and searches new sources of grass.
What does it mean when software is open source?
About Open-Source Cola. It's like open source software, except instead of sharing code, it discloses and shares recipes for cola.
How open source is android?
GIMP, the free open source image manipulation software, is mainly developed by only 6 people working at night after their day job.
Aborigines used root of hakea as a source of water and flowers as a source of food (nectar). They used bark in treatment of open sores and burns on the skin.
Horns are symbol of masculinity (the most dominant males have the biggest horns). They also facilitate opening of cacti (favorite source of food and water).
There is a free and open sourced Wikiversity which offers countless courses on a number of different topics.
Open source infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Open Source numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

I made a free open source android app called Track & Graph to help visualise personal data over time. Here is a demo of my alcohol consumption, exercise and work moving averages.