Incredible and fun facts to explore

Smartphone Cameras facts

While investigating facts about Smartphone Cameras Ranked and Smartphone Cameras Compared, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Google is now working on open hardware platform to create first modular smartphone. Idea is 'why buy a phone for its camera when you can buy a camera for your phone'

how smartphone cameras work?

Learned film giant Kodak went from 1.4 billion in profits in 2000 to bankruptcy in 2012, mainly due to not predicting the rise of online photo sharing and smartphone cameras.

What are some benefits of drones and smartphone cameras?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what smartphone has the most cameras. Here are 15 of the best facts about Smartphone Cameras Vs Dslr and Smartphone Cameras Explained I managed to collect.

what are the best smartphone cameras?

  1. The creators of Android originally dreamed it would be used to create a world of "smart cameras" that connected to PCs, but it was reworked for mobile handsets as the smartphone market began to explode. Growth in digital cameras was gradually slowing as the technology became mainstream

  2. John's Phone" is known as the "world's most basic cell phone", allowing the user only to make and receive calls with none of the features of modern smartphones such as a camera, Internet access and text messaging. It is marketed as being ideal for children, the elderly, and technophobes

  3. The creator of Android, Andy Rubin intended for it to only be a "smart camera" OS before the rise of smartphones changed his mind.

  4. NASA invented the CMOS sensor, which is used in most smartphone cameras today

  5. 10 Tips For Nature Photography With Smartphone Camera

  6. More than 90% of apps collect your data with your permission(terms of service). 96% of apps requested email information, 92% request access to your address book, 84% needed location permission, 52% wanted access to the smartphone’s camera, and 32% request calendar permission.

  7. Smartphone cameras can see infrared light!

  8. Galilean and curved lenses in general are becoming obsolete due to the development of "stacked flat lenses"; smartphone cameras will someday have the magnification capability of even the largest telephoto lenses.

  9. Approximately 60% of smartphone dual cameras are a scam, with only one of the cameras being used

  10. It's ilegal in Japan to have smartphones without the "snapping sound of the camera", you can lower the volume but not mute it, because of too many "creepshots".

smartphone cameras facts
What is smartphone cameras?

Smartphone Cameras data charts

For your convenience take a look at Smartphone Cameras figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

smartphone cameras fact data chart about How Smartphones have killed the digital camera industry.
How Smartphones have killed the digital camera industry.

smartphone cameras fact data chart about Scraped more than 18.5K comments on the Blind Smartphone Cam
Scraped more than 18.5K comments on the Blind Smartphone Camera Test video by MKBHD to find out which was the most commented letter. The results are in! The Pixel 2 XL won with the

Why two cameras on smartphone?

You can easily fact check why are smartphone cameras so good by examining the linked well-known sources.

Researchers developed a sensor that monitors glaucoma and can prevent blindness.The sensor replaces the natural lenses and works like a small barometer. Pressure causes fluid inside the sensor to move. The fluid can then be tracked with an adapted smartphone camera.

World’s First ‘Non-Intrusive’ Smartphone Announcedn - Flaunting a high resolution, round screen, the device includes a high-performance phone and camera which is meant to "refocus users' - source

Galilean and curved lenses in general are becoming obsolete due to the development of "stacked flat lenses"; smartphone cameras will someday have the magnification capability of even the largest telephoto lenses. - source

Smartphone cameras infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Smartphone Cameras numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

smartphone cameras fact infographic about A better look at smartphones and the camera industry

A better look at smartphones and the camera industry

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Smartphone Cameras. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Smartphone Cameras so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor