Cutting Edge facts
While investigating facts about Cutting Edge Stencils and Cutting Edge Salon, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Shards of obsidian, or volcanic glass, can be refined to have a cutting edge only 3 nanometers thick. This is over 1300 times thinner than some scalpels.
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Obsidian can be made into a scalpel with a cutting edge of 3 nanometers. A strand of DNA is 2.5 nm, a sheet of paper 100,000 nm
What cutting edge means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cutting edge technology. Here are 31 of the best facts about Cutting Edge Haunted House and Cutting Edge Movie I managed to collect.
what does at cutting edge mean?
The reason grass makes you itch is because it actually cuts your skin with its serrated edges.
A man built a cutting-edge stealth boat for the US Navy. Then the government tried to put him out of business.
Obsidian can be made into surgical scalpels by flint knapping, creating an edge only one molecule wide and the edge is so smooth and sharp it can cut between cells.
Nintendo, throughout its history, has not tried to be cutting edge but has rather focused on "Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology"
Indentured servants were so called because their contracts were cut in two along a jagged edge so both parties could prove authenticity later by fitting them together, and the cuts looked like they were bitten by teeth
A cutting-edge solar plant in the Mojave Desert scorches an average of one bird, or "streamer," every two minutes due to the concentration of the sun's rays by more than 300,000 mirrors. Estimates of birds igniting in mid-air range from 1,000 - 28,000 per year, according to different sources.
In today's world, chert has very few uses, but many ancient cultures used it to make tools for cutting and scraping and also used it to make weapons like arrowheads and ax heads. It is very hard and durable and the edges of chert are very sharp.
In South America and Africa, army ants are used as surgical sutures. The wound is pressed together and ants are applied, where they seize the edges of the skin with their mandibles. The body is then cut off while the ant's head remains, attached, to close the wound.
Mamelons. They are the three rounded ridges which are present on the cutting edge of your front teeth, and normally erode away in childhood. Depending on your bite, they may remain into adulthood.
Common sandpiper collects food from the surface of the ground. It usually searches food on the sandy, pebbly and rocky edges of the rivers and nearby grasslands and meadows. Common sandpiper cuts its prey in smaller pieces before it swallows it.
Cutting Edge data charts
For your convenience take a look at Cutting Edge figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why cutting tools have sharp edges?
You can easily fact check why is the cutting edge of a knife made sharp by examining the linked well-known sources.
That, when the 2011 Muppets movie came out, Frank Oz, the former puppeteer, said, "I thought the film was a little too safe, a little retro. I prefer more cutting edge in the Muppets."
The sawgrass that is common in the Everglades is so sharp that its razor blade edges can cut through clothing.
World Community Grid enables anyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet to donate their unused computing power to advance cutting-edge scientific research on topics related to health, poverty and sustainability. - source
After closing Discovery island in the 1990's, Disney considered teaming up with the creators of Myst to create a "cutting edge interactive experience" to be called "Myst Island" but scrapped the idea.
About the Bristol Stool Scale, a medical classification of human poop that includes categories such as "like a smooth, soft sausage," "soft blobs with clear cut edges," and "mushy consistency with ragged edges." - source
When do leaf cutter ants eat?
The Taliban has an elite Special Operations force which has proven extremely effective in combat. They are equipped with cutting-edge rifles, laser designators and night vision optics
How much is cutting edge haunted house?
A mosquito’s proboscis has 47 sharp edges on its tip to help it cut through skin and even protective layers of clothing.
About Obsidian scalpels - volcanic-type glass - cutting edges finer than steel.
Jonason Pauley and two of his friends spent 2.5 years creating a shot-for-shot, live-action remake of "Toy Story" using a mix of advanced puppetry and cutting-edge stop motion.
The cutting edge of a knife is so small humans can't see it. It's smaller than a red blood cell.