Incredible and fun facts to explore

3d Models facts

While investigating facts about 3d Models, I found out little known, but curios details like:

We have technology to extract 3D model from a single photo

About a canadian ex- banker who bought a slowly producing gold mine and created a controversial, online, open to public contest to find more sites. he offerd 500k$ prize and by using 3D model, an australian group helped him find more the 6Bn$ worth of gold without having ever visiting the site.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 31 of the best facts about 3d Models I managed to collect.

  1. There is an ongoing project to build a 40-story tall, 3D-printed globe big enough to feature every manmade and natural feature larger than 30 ft. on the surface of the model.

  2. The 'Utah Teapot' was an early 3D model of a teapot used for modeling experiments because of it's round shape, saddle points, and being able to project it's shadow onto itself. It currently resides in the Boston Computer Museum.

  3. A proposed VR service called Project Elysium. Stated as a virtual reality experience to reunite people with the deceased, the company uses 3D modelling, (and in some cases data left by the deceased), to enable clients to ‘recreate’ their dead loved ones within a custom made VR environment.

  4. The revolutionary Sega Model 2 arcade system used 3D texture mapping directly licensed from Lockheed Martin, which had developed the technology for use in military flight simulators

  5. A study in the mid-90's used 3D modeling the skull of a Parasaurolophus to see what sounds the dinosaur could have made.

  6. Even in the modern world of 3D modelling and VR, car companies still make full-size plasticine models of new designs

  7. Adobe created a computer program in 2001 that allowed the user to interact with 3D models and teleport in a 3D space by clicking on hyperlink-esque "portals." It was discontinued in 2004.

  8. NASA maintains a database of 3D models formatted for 3D Printing!

  9. The yellow 'First Down' line technology in Football is produced by adjusting unique 3D models of each football field based on the angle of every individual camera in the stadium

  10. Kotaro Uchikoshi, writer and director of the Zero Escape series, was first credited as a 3D modeler for Pepsiman.

3d models facts
What are the best facts about 3d Models?

3d Models data charts

For your convenience take a look at 3d Models figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

3d models fact data chart about Turned my repeating DNA sequence into a 3D Model
Turned my repeating DNA sequence into a 3D Model

3d models fact data chart about Face expressions in 3D with a Support Vector Machine Model
Face expressions in 3D with a Support Vector Machine Model

What is true about 3d models?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Smithsonian provides free 3D-printable models of their scanned collection objects.

In neuroscience, tractography is a 3D modeling technique used to visually represent nerve tracts using data collected by diffusion MRI. It uses special techniques of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computer-based diffusion MRI. Results are presented in 2D and 3D images called tractograms. - source

According to the greyscale figure used for his hair-animation tests, the 3d model for Angus, Merida's horse from the Disney/Pixar movie "Brave", is anatomically correct. - source

Pixar updated the 3D character models from Finding Nemo (2003) for Finding Dory (2016)

What DNA replication looks like in real time (3d computer modeling, repost, of myself, 3 years ago - very popular then, very cool link. Never seen this reposted) - source

French conservationists built a $6.3 million 3D-modeled replica of Chauvet Cave, including more than 1,000 works of 36,000 year-old Upper Paleolithic art laser-scanned and reproduced within an artificial cavern

The reason why i started to learn 3D modeling and animating.

Mario's sprite in New Super Mario Bros. is actually a 3D rendered model that's incredibly scaled down

The dentist can now 3D reconstruct a model of your tooth, make a crown on the spot, and insert it, all in one sitting.

Each football field needs to have a digital 3D model in order to have the yellow first down markers appear on t.v.

3d models infographics

Beautiful visual representation of 3d Models numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

3d models fact infographic about 3D data visualization of how a machine learning model unders

3D data visualization of how a machine learning model understands logos for our new app, Aesthetic. Created by my co-founder Andrew Look using Tensorflow, Inception, t-sne and a su

3d models fact infographic about 3D model of an inspector submarine robot with 8 electrodes w

3D model of an inspector submarine robot with 8 electrodes which generate an electric field around it while submerged in water. It emerges from the top of the robot and dies at the

Interesting facts about 3d models

A 31-year-old man needed a complex heart operation which was made possible because a 3D model of his heart helped doctors plan the surgery. He is one of only 20 cases of this happening.

After being asked by guests about directions and where to visit, a Polish hotel owner decided to make a 1:10000 scale model of Scotland, in the hotel grounds. Now the worlds largest 3D map.

There is a company that can make hyper-accurate, miniature 3D models of you and your loved ones.

Scientists have developed a miniature female reproductive tract that fits in the palm of your hand. Resembling a small cube, it contains 3D models of ovaries, fallopian tubes, the uterus, cervix, vagina and liver with special fluid pumping through all of them that performs the function of blood

The FBI uses 3D laser scanning to create models for for onsite documentation.

About DAZ 3D, a company specializing in providing rigged 3D human models and their articulated 3D female figure, Victoria.

Windows Hello uses 3D structured light to create a model of someone’s face and then uses anti-spoofing techniques to limit the success of people creating a fake head or mask to spoof the system

An online atlas of mouse embryos exists, where you can observe 3D models of mice as they develop. The article first announcing this called it "A Real Mouse for Your Computer."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about 3d Models. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is 3d Models so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor