Savings Time facts
While investigating facts about Savings Time 2019 and Savings Time Change, I found out little known, but curios details like:
On September 8, 2009, Sgt. Dakota Meyer disobeyed a direct order to pull back from his position so he could rescue wounded soldiers from a firefight a mile away. He ended up going back five times, saving the lives of 36 soldiers, saying “That’s what you do for a brother”.
how did daylight savings time start?
Roundabouts reduce fatalities from accidents by 90%. They also lower wait times and save on gas.
What is the purpose of daylight savings time?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what year did daylight savings time start. Here are 50 of the best facts about Savings Time 2020 and Savings Time Calculator I managed to collect.
what is daylight savings time?
Bill Haast began extracting snake venom at 15 years old. He founded the Miami Serpentarium and injected himself with venom for 60+ years. His blood was used to save 21 snakebite victims. He created a venom serum to cure polio. He was bitten over 170 times and lived to be 100.
7yr old Tyler Moon walked 1km (0.6 miles) of forest to save his father’s life after their quad crashed. Tyler made the journey to get help despite his own injuries: two collapsed lungs filling with blood and seven broken ribs. He managed to alert help just in time before collapsing himself.
Kirsty MacColl, vocalist and female singer in "Fairytale of New York", died saving her son from an oncoming powerboat owned by a multimillionaire while vacationing in Cozumel, Mexico. The boat's driver escaped jail time by paying a fine of $90USD.
The Normandy beach landing scene in the movie Saving Private Ryan alone cost $12 million. It involved up to 1,500 extras, partly consisting of Irish Reserve Defense Force members and was called the “best battle scenes of all time”
Lafayette, a Frenchman from the revolutionary war who later toasted "to the perpetual union of the united states. it has always served us in times of storm. one day it will save the world". American troops sent to France in world war 1 visited the grave and said "Lafayette, we are here"
Jay Leno has never spent a penny of his “The Tonight Show” income. He has always worked two jobs and spent the lesser of the two incomes. To date, he has saved every penny from his time as a host. He owns all his cars and buildings and bought them with his secondary income.
The mystery novelist Agatha Christie posthumously saved a girl's life by having written in one of her stories about a rare poison. That same poison was killing this girl in real life, and the doctors had no clue, but a nurse happened to be reading that story at the time.
In 1996 a stray cat who'd given birth to a litter in an abandoned Brooklyn garage returned to the structure five times after a fire broke out to save her kittens, despite her eyes blistered shut and her paw pads burned from the flames. (Mama and babies all survived.)
On 8 September 2009, Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer disobeyed a direct order from a superior to pull back from his position so he could rescue wounded soldiers from a firefight a mile away. He ended up going back five times, saved the lives of 36 soldiers, and won the Medal of Honor.
Roy Benavidez. He volunteered to be dropped into a firefight against 1000 NVA to save his 12 man team, armed with only a knife. He was wounded 37 times in a 6hr battle, believed dead, and was placed in a body bag. He saved his mates, survived, and received the MoH.
Savings Time data charts
For your convenience take a look at Savings Time figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did daylight savings time start?
You can easily fact check why daylight savings time by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2007, a twin brother was born at 1:32 AM, However, then Daylight Savings Time occurred. His twin sister who was then born at 1:06 AM, is considered 26 minutes older.
A suicide bomber was foiled when he forgot to set adjust his clock for daylight savings time and the device went off early in his car - source
Premature babies who are lightly massaged a few times a day gain weight 47% faster and thus leave hospitals sooner, saving about $3,000 in hospital costs. 8 months later these infants continued to thrive. - source
Blood donors in Sweden are sent a text message every time their blood is used to save a life.
Amtrak trains that are running on time stop in their tracks during fall daylight savings time and wait an hour before resuming. For spring forward, the trains automatically fall behind schedule at 2 a.m. and just have to do their best to make up the time - source
When is daylight savings time?
Despite Portuguese neutrality in WWII British ships were allowed to refuel in Portugal because of a treaty signed over 600 years ago - the Treaty of Windsor, which is the longest lasting alliance treaty in the world. The treaty has been invoked several times to save Portugal from invasion.
How does daylight savings time work?
Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, is aiming for tickets to Mars to cost less than $200,000 – so a customer can save up, sell their house and move to Mars. The ride will be roomy enough to include a restaurant and front window with a stunning view. “Really fun to go. You’ll have a great time,”
The reason Harry Truman was selected to be the Vice President under Roosevelt was because when he ran the Senate "Truman Committee", it found so much corruption and waste, he saved the government $10-15 billion. Several times the cost of the entire $2 billion Manhattan project.
In 2008, 9-year-old Nathan Thomson was stabbed in the face as he fought an armed intruder who tried to kill his mother, who was stabbed 8 times. After saving his mother from the slasher, he has been recommended for a bravery award by one of Scotland's senior law officers for his heroic act.
Hospitals in the US report a 24% spike in heart attack visits due to patients getting one hour less of sleep when switching to daylight saving time
Savings time infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Savings Time numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Time saved by speeding over the course of an hour