Observe Daylight facts
While investigating facts about Observe Daylight Savings Time and Observe Daylight Saving, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Arizona and Hawaii don't observe daylight savings time.
how many states observe daylight savings time?
Arizona doesn't observe Daylight Savings time, except a large reservation in Arizona does, except another smaller reservation inside it doesn't
What states do not observe daylight savings?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what countries observe daylight savings time. Here are 27 of the best facts about Countries That Observe Daylight Savings and I managed to collect.
what states don't observe daylight savings time?
In 1054 a supernova in the Constellation Taurus was observed that was bright enough to remain visible during daylight for perhaps as long as 23 days. The remnant of the supernova, which consists of debris ejected during the explosion, is now known as the Crab Nebula.
In Connecticut in 1923, you could be fined or imprisoned for observing Daylight Saving Time
The state of Arizona does not observe daylight savings time, but the Navajo Nation located within Arizona does observe daylight savings time, but the Hopi Nation located within the Navajo Nation located in Arizona does not observe daylight savings time.
The Hopi Reservation does not observe daylight savings time, but it is completely surrounded by the Navajo Reservation which does observe daylight savings time. The Navajo reservation is in Arizona which does not observe daylight savings.
Arizona and Hawaii are the only states in the US that don't observe Daylight Savings Time
Since it is so close to the equator and is the only oceanic state in the US, Hawaii does not observe daylight savings time.
There is only one time zone for all of India. India does not observe any form of daylight saving time or any other seasonal adjustments to the time.
Quintana Roo is the only Mexican state in the Southeastern Standard Time Zone. Since it does not observe daylight saving time, it is in the same time zone as the Eastern Standard Time for half of the year and the Central Standard Time for the other half of the year.
The Navajo Nation in Arizona observes daylight savings time, but the Hopi reservation that is within the Navajo Nation, does not observe daylight savings time.
Hawaii and Arizona don't observe daylight savings time
Observe Daylight data charts
For your convenience take a look at Observe Daylight figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do we observe daylight savings time?
You can easily fact check why doesn't arizona observe daylight savings by examining the linked well-known sources.
Arizona is the only mainland U.S. state to not observe Daylight Savings Time
The only countries in Asia to observe Daylight Savings Time are Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran - source
Time Life broadcasting sued Indiana in 1968 to force the state to observe Daylight Saving Time - source
Arizona doesn't observe daylight saving time
There is a National Napping Day which is observed annually the day following the return of daylight saving time. It was created in 1999 by a Boston University Professor and his wife to spotlight the health benefits to catching up on quality sleep. - source
When did indiana observe daylight savings time?
A lot of the world does not observe Daylight Savings Time.
How many countries observe daylight savings time?
Arizona doesn’t observe daylight savings time
The Great Daylight Fireball was an Earth-grazing fireball that passed within 57 kilometres (35 mi; 187,000 ft) of Earth's surface on August 10, 1972. One observer was able to record it on this film. Its appearance and trajectory showed the object was about 3–14 m (10–45 ft) in diameter.
When referring to time zones, there's a difference between EST and EDT, depending on whether Daylight Savings Time is being observed (EDT) or not (EST).
Pakistan does not always observe Daylight Savings Time, which in the past has caused them to be ahead of India, which lies to their east
The historic reason for observing daylight-saving time is to conserve energy, by pushing sunlight forward into the evening, reducing the need for electric lights.