Daylight Savings facts
While investigating facts about Daylight Savings 2019 and Daylight Savings 2020, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Losing an hour of sleep when daylight savings puts the clocks forward causes a 25% increase in heart attacks on the following Monday. They reduce by 21% when clocks go back.
how daylight savings works?
In 2007, a twin brother was born at 1:32 AM, However, then Daylight Savings Time occurred. His twin sister who was then born at 1:06 AM, is considered 26 minutes older.
What happens at daylight savings?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's daylight savings. Here are 50 of the best facts about Daylight Savings Fall 2019 and Daylight Savings Time Fall Back 2019 I managed to collect.
what happens at daylight savings time?
A suicide bomber was foiled when he forgot to set adjust his clock for daylight savings time and the device went off early in his car
Amtrak trains that are running on time stop in their tracks during fall daylight savings time and wait an hour before resuming. For spring forward, the trains automatically fall behind schedule at 2 a.m. and just have to do their best to make up the time
Hospitals in the US report a 24% spike in heart attack visits due to patients getting one hour less of sleep when switching to daylight saving time
Daylight Savings Time causes a 24% increase in heart attacks every day that the clocks move forward, and a 21% decrease in heart attacks every time the clocks move back.
The first of a set of twins, Samuel, was born at 1:39 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016. His brother Ronan was born 31 minutes later just as daylight saving time had ended, making him 29 minutes older.
A Swedish study found that heart attacks were more common the first three weekdays after the spring transition into Daylight Savings Time
Arizona and Hawaii don't observe daylight savings time.
Arizona doesn't observe Daylight Savings time, except a large reservation in Arizona does, except another smaller reservation inside it doesn't
Because of Daylight Savings Time and the loss of an hour of sleep, the Monday after clocks ‘Spring Forward’ sees an increase in fatal traffic accidents.
Daylight Savings data charts
For your convenience take a look at Daylight Savings figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why daylight savings time started?
You can easily fact check why daylight savings started by examining the linked well-known sources.
Losing an hour of sleep after daylight savings results in a 24% increase of heart attacks whereas gaining an hour of sleep after daylight savings results in a 21% reduction of heart attacks.
Daylight Savings costs the U.S. an estimated $434 million in lost productivity and decreased health. - source
A man was charged two DUIs at the same time, an hour apart because of daylight savings. - source
In Connecticut in 1923, you could be fined or imprisoned for observing Daylight Saving Time
Australia has 5 timezones. Unlike other timezones that are almost completely vertical, the country has a few split up into North and South. Only 2 of the timezones are affected by Daylight Savings. - source
When's daylight savings?
There is a statistically significant increase in fatal car accidents in the days after daylight savings time, presumably due to disruption in sleep patterns.
How daylight savings started?
The state of Arizona does not observe daylight savings time, but the Navajo Nation located within Arizona does observe daylight savings time, but the Hopi Nation located within the Navajo Nation located in Arizona does not observe daylight savings time.
Candy pumpkins were placed on the seat of every U.S. Senator by the candy industry in 1985 in hopes of extending U.S. daylight saving time to cover Halloween.
Swedish researchers found a 5 percent increase in the risk of heart attacks right after Daylight Saving Time began, along with an increase in traffic accidents, workplace injuries and suicide rates.
The Hopi Reservation does not observe daylight savings time, but it is completely surrounded by the Navajo Reservation which does observe daylight savings time. The Navajo reservation is in Arizona which does not observe daylight savings.
On the 2nd April 2014 a bomb exploded in the bombers face because of daylight saving time
Daylight savings infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Daylight Savings numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Week over week energy consumption difference the week before and following daylight saving