Time Zones facts
While investigating facts about Time Zones Map and Time Zones Usa, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A 2002 episode of "The Twilight Zone" addressed the novikov self-consistency principle of time travel: a woman, played by Katherine Heigl, goes back in time to kill baby Hitler. She succeeds, but his mother adopts a child and raises him as Adolf. He grows up to lead the Nazi Party.
how time zones work?
A German man celebrated his birthday for 46 hours by travelling through different time-zones
What time zones are in the us?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time zones are in florida. Here are 50 of the best facts about Time Zones Converter and Time Zones World I managed to collect.
what time zones are there?
China has only one time zone – despite spanning 5 geographical ones
Almost 50% of all Americans live in the Eastern Time Zone
The military refers to every time zone using a letter of the NATO phonetic alphabet. Therefore, in Honolulu, it is always "Whiskey time".
France used to be on the same time zone as Britain but during the German occupation the time zone was changed to Central European Time and remains unchanged.
France is divided into holiday zones. Each zone's schools have vacations at the same time, to prevent the overcrowding that would occur at resorts if every school in the country were to close at once.
Before time zones were invented, clocks in England sometimes had two minute hands: one for London and one for local time.
Despite being the third largest country in the world, China only has one time zone, mostly based around the far Eastern portions (where most of the population lives). As a result, in Western regions such as Tibet, the sun officially rises at around 10:00 AM.
The American village of Hyder, Alaska is unique in that it is only accessible by land from Canada, and uses Canadian public utility services, border security, emergency services, telephone area code, and time zone.
Because China only has one time zone, there is a 3 1/2 hour time change when you cross the border between China and Afghanistan, the greatest time change on the planet.
There is no December 30, 2011 in the history of the Pacific Ocean islands of Samoa and Tokelau as the day was skipped when these islands moved their time zone from the last time zone east of the international date line to the first west of the date line
Time Zones data charts
For your convenience take a look at Time Zones figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why time zones are not straight?
You can easily fact check why time zones are important by examining the linked well-known sources.
Since all the longitude lines meet in Antarctica, the South Pole has no specific time zone. Many stations use the time of the country they are owned by, and many areas have no time zone since nothing is decided and there are not even any temporary settlements with any clocks.
Despite spanning 5 time zones China only uses 1 timezone (China Standard Time) and stopped using daylight savings in 1991. - source
There is only one time zone for all of India. India does not observe any form of daylight saving time or any other seasonal adjustments to the time.
About Agent Zigzag, a British spy during WW2 who endeared himself to the Nazi's and became a double agent, working for both sides and at one point having two fiancées at the same time, each in opposite war zones. - source
When time zones were invented?
The People’s Republic of China abolished the five time zones system and established one single time zone in 1949.
How time zones are determined?
The Twilight Zone was, in part, inspired by a freak military accident during Rod Serling's time in the Army, in which his buddy was decapitated by a free-falling food crate.
Back in the 1990s, Indian government wanted to ban Windows 95 because the map on time zone selection screen showed India not controlling the Pakistan-occupied part of Kashmir. Microsoft "fixed" the problem by disabling the map altogether
Moon has its own time zone called Lunar Time Zone and President Richard Nixon was one of the few to have a moon watch.
In 2015, North Korea set its clocks back 30 minutes creating their own time zone, known as "Pyongyang time". The government made this decision as a break from 'imperialism'; the time zone change went into effect on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Korea from Japan.