Republic Ireland facts
While investigating facts about Republic Ireland Football and Republic Ireland News, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Lucozade sponsors many teams and athletes including the McLaren Formula One team, the Republic of Ireland Football Team, the England Football Team, the England Rugby Football Union, the FA Cup, the FA Premier League, the Amateur Rowing Association, Ben Wynne, Ronan O"Gara, Damien Duff, Steven Gerrard, and Michael Owen.
how to become a secondary school teacher in republic of ireland?
Countries that have coastline on the Irish Sea include the four United Kingdom constituent countries, the Isle of Man, and the Republic of Ireland.
What is the population of the republic of ireland?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the republic of ireland. Here are 42 of the best facts about Republic Ireland Population and Republic Ireland Fixtures I managed to collect.
what year did ireland become a republic?
Ulster Nationalism, the belief that Northern Ireland shouldn't be apart of either the UK or the Republic of Ireland, but be a independent state.
Winston Churchil`s funeral (1965) was the largest state funeral in world history up to that time, with representatives from 112 nations. In Europe, 350 million people, including 25 million in Britain, watched the funeral on television, and only the Republic of Ireland did not broadcast it.
Former British PM Margaret Thatcher horrified her advisers when she suggested a 'Cromwell solution' to the troubles in Northern Ireland which would forcibly expel all Catholics from the region and relocate them to the Republic of Ireland.
the president of the Republic of Ireland offered his condolences to Germany when Hitler died.
England, Wales, and Scotland are part of Great Britain; Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom; the United Kingdom, Isle of Man, and the two Channel Islands make up the British Islands; and the British Islands plus the Republic of Ireland make up the British Isles.
Whether Ireland was a monarchy or republic from 1936 to 1949 is unclear. During those years the country had a president, but the British king still had a role in Ireland's foreign affairs.
There are roughly 40M people of Irish descent in the United States. The combined population of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is less than 7M.
Despite being 2 different countries on a single island, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland play in the same rugby team : Ireland national rugby union.
Citizens of the Republic of Ireland are not classed as being foreign citizens in Britain
People from Republic of Ireland did not pay for water until 2014
Republic Ireland data charts
For your convenience take a look at Republic Ireland figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are northern ireland and the republic of ireland separate?
You can easily fact check why is the republic of ireland not in the uk by examining the linked well-known sources.
One of the six legal deposit libraries for the UK is not in the UK, but is Trinity College Dublin in the Republic of Ireland.
After 9/11 Ireland and the Czech Republic were the only countries, outside America, to hold a National Day of Mourning in response to the attacks. - source
David Norris, the Irish gay rights activist whose lawsuit resulting in Ireland decriminalizing homosexuality, was born in Leopoldville in the Belgian Congo (modern-day Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo) - source
Not all national flags have the same proportions. E.g. the Republic of Ireland's is 2:1, Switzerland's is 1:1, whereas the USA's is 10:19.
When did ireland became a republic?
5% of the Republic of Ireland's GDP comes from human and animal blood for 'therapeutic' reasons.
How much does the republic of ireland owe the uk?
There was no draft in Northern Ireland during WW2. Nationalists (people who want NI to join the Republic of Ireland) opposed conscription. To avoid embarrassment from nationalists refusing to accept being drafted, the British government exempted the region.
Citizens of the Republic of Ireland are eligible to vote in UK General Elections
The Republic of Ireland gets part of its electricity from harvesting and burning peat, decayed vegetation that forms in mires. For harvesting, the state-owned peat-energy company has a railway network that is larger than the country's main passenger/freight system.
The UK considered giving Northern Ireland independence in the 1970s. This terrified the Republic of Ireland government, which feared that the resulting civil war there would spread into the south.
The Republic of Ireland imports 90% of its energy. (The UK only imports about one third.) While very high, this is an improvement from the 98% Ireland imported in 1990.