United Kingdom facts
While investigating facts about United Kingdom Map and United Kingdom Countries, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Queen Elizabeth the II of the United Kingdom, now aged 91, is a big fan of Nintendo's game console Wii. After watching her grandson play it during Christmas one year, she asked if she could have a go. Apparently she was a "natural" at Wii Bowling, and she became quite fond of the console
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In 1915, the lock millionaire Cecil Chubb bought his wife Stonehenge. She didn’t like it, so in 1918 he gave it to The United Kingdom.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's united kingdom zip code. Here are 50 of the best facts about United Kingdom Flag and United Kingdom Population I managed to collect.
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"He never married" was a commonly used by obituary writers in the United Kingdom as a euphemism for the deceased having being homosexual
Rationing in the United Kingdom during WWII actually increased life expectancy in the country, and decreased infant mortality. This was because all people were required to consume a varied diet.
The United Kingdom writes, prints and stores all of its laws on goatskin
That, in the United Kingdom, Several Prisons have restaurants that are fully run by inmates at the prison, including chefs and waiters. These restaurants are also open to the public and rank highly on Tripadvisor
The United Kingdom has a "right to roam" which allows public access for walking & leisure to mountains, moors, heaths and downs that are privately owned.
Over 90% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom and Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome are terminated.
A man in the United Kingdom was so fed up that his city wasn't repairing potholes, he went and spray painted penises on them, earning him the nickname "Wanksy"
Oslo, Norway. Has donated a Christmas tree every year to the United Kingdom since the 1940's. The tree is usually cut down in November and held up at Trafalgar Square throughout the Christmas holiday.
The head of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy is called the First Sea Lord.
Margaret Thatcher was reportedly more proud of becoming the first Prime Minister with a science degree than the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom data charts
For your convenience take a look at United Kingdom figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why united kingdom and great britain by examining the linked well-known sources.
A liquor store in the United Kingdom is called an "Off license" because they are licensed to sell liquor for consumption elsewhere, or "off" the premises.
Because of the shorter commercial breaks in the United Kingdom, every episode of The Muppet Show had two minutes of additional footage. Usually consisting of a skit or a short song. - source
The United Kingdom has invested in the world's biggest stockpile of plutonium (well over 100 tonnes) that could either provide us with thousands of years of unlimited energy or become a massive financial and environmental white elephant as nobody can agree on what to do with it. - source
The United Kingdom and Portugal hold the longest standing alliance in the world, it started in 1386
The United Kingdom actually declared war on Japan nine hours before the the United States following the attack on Pearl harbour, partially due to Winston Churchill's promise to declare war "within the hour" of a Japanese attack on the United States. - source
When united kingdom formed?
Around 1/3 of all land in the United Kingdom is still owned by the Aristocracy and other landed gentry
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Bluetooth is named after 10th Century king Harald Bluetooth who united Danish tribes into a single kingdom, and that the Bluetooth logo is made of the runes for his initials.
When IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands died, the Iranian government renamed Winston Churchill Boulevard, the location of the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Tehran, to Bobby Sands Street, prompting the embassy to move its entrance to avoid using Bobby Sands Street on its letterhead.
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7th December 1941, Canada declared War on the Japanese Empire a day before United States and United Kingdom did.
The shortest war in history was fought between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar in 1896 and lasted 38 to 45 minutes. At 09.02 British ships started a bombardment of the sultan's palace which ended at 09.40. 500 Zanzibaris were killed, but only one British sailor was injured.
Prior to 2013, the first in line for the United Kingdom throne was the oldest son, even if he had an older sister. Now the heir is the eldest child, regardless of their gender.
United kingdom infographics
Beautiful visual representation of United Kingdom numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The United Kingdom of Apathy: 2017 General election if not turning up to vote counted as a vote for "RON" (re-open nominations). Inspired by last week's United States of Apathy