Incredible and fun facts to explore

Mindfulness Meditation facts

While investigating facts about Mindfulness Meditation Youtube and Mindfulness Meditation Script, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After an 8-week course in mindfulness meditation, the amygdala, associated with fear and emotion, shrinks, while the pre-frontal cortex, associated with awareness, concentration and decision-making, becomes thicker

how mindfulness meditation redefines pain happiness and satisfaction?

Some schools are successfully using mindfulness meditation as an alternative to detention or suspension.

What mindfulness meditation is not?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the difference between mindfulness and meditation. Here are 16 of the best facts about Mindfulness Meditation Exercises and Mindfulness Meditation Anxiety I managed to collect.

what's mindfulness meditation?

  1. The meditation process usually involves some form of focusing, breathing, becoming at peace with one's mind, and can also include prayer.

  2. A study of older adults showed that a mindfulness-based stress reduction program, consisting of things such as daily meditation, reduces feelings of loneliness, as well as pro-inflammatory gene expression.

  3. In the oldest texts of Buddhism, dhyāna is the training of the mind, commonly translated as meditation, to withdraw the mind from the automatic responses to sense-impressions, and leading to a "state of perfect equanimity and awareness (upekkhā-sati-parisuddhi)."

  4. When meditating people often do so with their eyes closed, in an effort to block out images that will interfere with the mind's process.

  5. Monsanto once had a CEO that brought in someone to teach mindfulness meditation to the executives of the company, but once they started seeing the world differently some of them quit and as a result the CEO was fired and the meditation program was shut down and never mentioned again

  6. Scientific research has shown that mindfulness meditation has several positive effects. The portions of the brain that process stress-related reactions and the ones related to focus and calm have more activity. The levels of unhealthy inflammation as shown in people’s bloodwork also go down

  7. The 'Tulpamancers', people who practice a meditative technique from Tibet to create another being with the power of their mind

  8. Meditation can improve your working memory capacity and reduce mind-wandering.

  9. What is Mindfulness Meditation and How To Develop It In Our Everyday Lives. Mindfulness helps ground us into the present moment so we can live life more intentionally and joyfully.

  10. Meditation has been shown to increase brain density in the left hippocampus. We can boost our mind with thought!

mindfulness meditation facts
What are the benefits of mindfulness meditation?

Why practice mindfulness meditation?

You can easily fact check why is mindfulness meditation important by examining the linked well-known sources.

NZ has a radio station called K9FM that "plays dog-centric content ranging from relaxing classical music to chat shows that include Talkies, Fetch in the Park, and Meditation with Vet Joanna - all programmed and made with dogs in mind."

Steve Jobs followed the religion or belief of Zen Buddhism which focuses on meditation to calm and quiet the mind to 'hear' your intuition. This reflected later in the simplicity of Apple's products in 'quieting' the design of their products. - source

The Wim Hof Method, a seminar which focuses on cold exposure, breathing and meditation. Wim Hof - nicknamed The Iceman - once climbed Everest wearing only shorts and shoes, and will teach you methods to manipulate your body and mind to be happier, healthier and stronger. - source

Mindfulness meditation results in better acceptance of emotional states and consequently better executive functioning/control

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Mindfulness Meditation. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Mindfulness Meditation so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor