Incredible and fun facts to explore

Health Wellness facts

While investigating facts about Health Wellness Center and Health Wellness Centre, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A review of decades of research shows children of same-sex couples are doing just as well as kids of heterosexual couples across a number of wellbeing measures, including academic performance, cognitive development, social development, and psychological health.

summarize how the components of health are related to wellness?

62.1% of bankruptcies in the US are due to medical bills. Most medical debtors were well educated and middle class; three quarters had health insurance. Unaffordable medical bills and income shortfalls due to illness were common causes.

What is the difference between health and wellness?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a health and wellness coach. Here are 50 of the best facts about Health Wellness Jobs and Health Wellness Coach I managed to collect.

what is health and wellness?

  1. There is a town in Alaska where almost everyone lives and/or works under one roof. A single 14-story high-rise is home "to most of the town’s residents as well as its post office, grocery store, health clinic, laundromat and church."

  2. Illinois State University has a health and wellness program called the G Spot that gives out free condoms, lube, and information. It moves around campus constantly, and the concept is to, "Find the G Spot."

  3. The National Institute on Drug Abuse inadvertently led to the discovery of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) trying to prove the dangers of marijuana. ECS serves a vital purpose for our health and well-being because it regulates key aspects of our biology. It explains why pot works medicinally.

  4. The commonly-acknowledge health goal "10,000 steps a day" has no real medical merit other than walking is good for you and it's a well rounded number.

  5. Researchers showed that generating positive emotions directed towards yourself and others through contemplative meditation, can improve both your emotional as well as your physical health.

  6. The United States signed but never ratified the UN Declaration of Human Rights stating "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care "

  7. The common signs of insomnia, aside from not sleeping or not sleeping well, include waking up too early, irritability, brain fog, and feeling like you haven"t slept.

  8. Pain is the most common symptom of virtually all forms of arthritis, but there are several other symptoms as well including fatigue, weight loss, muscular pain and aching, difficulty moving the affected joints, poor sleep, stiffness, and some people lose the ability to walk or use their hands.

  9. After swimming a person needs to reapply their sunscreen as most of it will be gone. It's important to reapply after sports as well as sweat can reduce coverage drastically as well.

  10. American Shorthair has thick coat that is suitable for outdoor living, but it is mostly kept as indoor cat today. Life inside the house ensures good health and prevents potential conflicts with other cats and dogs, as well as traffic accidents.

health wellness facts
What is digital health and wellness?

Health Wellness data charts

For your convenience take a look at Health Wellness figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

health wellness fact data chart about Created a simple and accessible Mood & Symptom tracker for t
Created a simple and accessible Mood & Symptom tracker for those with chronic mental and physical health issues to keep everything in one place, find patterns and reclaim some sens

Why health and wellness in the workplace?

You can easily fact check why employee health and wellness programs by examining the linked well-known sources.

The CDC actively works with Hollywood writers on story-lines to promote public health information through an organization called Hollywood, Health, and Society. They have been consultants in films such as Contagion and I Am Legend, as well as various TV shows.

The health problems associated with smoking were well known and documented since at least the 17th century. Many goverments of the time went to extreme lengths trying to ban smoking due to this -among other reasons- but they all failed - source

The Dutch famine of 1944–45 was a rare case of a famine which took place in a modern, developed, and literate country, albeit one suffering under the privations of occupation and war. The well-documented experience has helped scientists to measure the effects of famine on human health. - source

Although pain in the breast or armpit can indicate the presence of breast cancer, its presence is not a reliable indicator of cancer because it can be caused by a variety of other issues as well.

An individual with the flu should get lots of rest. It is important to drink a lot of fluids as well.

When is health and wellness month?

In 2004 the Certified Stress & Wellness Consultants program he envisioned was launched which makes evidence-based, practice-focused training available to health professionals world-wide.

How to become a health and wellness coach?

The majority of the cases of malaria occur in sub-Saharan Africa, but they also occur in other regions of the world. In 2015 sub-Saharan Africa had 89% of the worldwide cases of malaria and 91% of the deaths that occurred because of malaria were in this region as well.

A fart contains several gasses including hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, oxygen, and sometimes methane as well.

The "new car smell" is actually due to toxic volatile organic compounds that could be harmful to your health. It's recommended that you keep your new car well ventilated while driving.

Howlin’ Wolf paid well, gave his band health benefits, withheld unemployment and Social Security. He was illiterate into his 40’s when his wife encouraged him to learn to read and write. He got his GED and studied business and accounting.

Pediatricians can become specialists in a particular field of medicine as well, including neurology, allergy and immunology, cardiology, emergency medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, infectious diseases, critical care, oncology, surgery, and many others.

Interesting facts about health wellness

Baseball legend Mickey Mantle rationalized his hard living by saying the men in his family had died young and he expected to die young as well. As the years passed and his health declined, he said, "If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I'd have taken a lot better care of myself."

For every 100 pounds a person weighs they should consume 50 ounces a day at a minimum to replace what is lost on a "normal" day. This increases with exercise and changing environmental factors, as well as when a person is sick.

Although World Health Day is one of the most well-known celebrations meant to draw attention and raise awareness to a particular health cause each year, many other observances occur with the intention of raising awareness about health around the world, including World Leprosy Day (January 27), World Parkinson's Day (April), International Day for Protection of Children (June), World Arthritis Day (October), and World Cancer Day (February).

Plastic wrap doesn't work as well as it used to because some manufacturers changed its formula for health and environmental reasons.

Melanomas can grow on areas of skin not exposed to the sun as well as areas that are exposed, and these types of cancers tend to be more deadly because they can spread and can be difficult to treat.

How to improve health and wellness?

The first stage of Alzheimer's disease is pre-dementia. In many cases the early symptoms are thought to be associated with stress or aging. During this stage short term memory loss may begin to appear, as well as problems with abstract thinking, apathy, attentiveness, flexibility, and depression.

Ida B Wells began to write an autobiography in 1928 but she never had a chance to finish it as her health began to fail.

The National Institute of Health does not recommend becoming famous since it carries an increased risk for "premature mortality as well as drug-related death."

Epilepsy is considered chronic, and those with the disorder often experience other neurological disorders as well.

Although yellow fever has not been found in Asia, it could occur there as well because of the primate population and type of mosquitos found there.

The sweet potato's cyanidins and peonidins may have the added benefit of reducing the health risk associated with heavy metals as well as oxygen radicals.

Drugs used to treat progeria are usually those used to treat the complications of aging, such as cholesterol-lowering drugs and growth hormone treatment, as well as some anti-cancer medications.

Cloned animals have shown to have health issues such as defects in the heart, liver, and brain, as well as increased birth size. They also age faster, and have immune system issues. Dolly the sheep only lived to be 6 years old when the normal life span of a sheep if 12 years.

About the shoe-fitting fluoroscope, an active x-ray machine that was used in children's shoe stores to see how well shoes fit. They fell out of favor because of health concerns but not until the 1970's.

Epilepsy is most well-known because of the seizures it causes, but it can cause other health issues as well.

Since roughly 1990, deaths due to breast cancer have been declining. This is believed to be because of better early detection and screening, as well as increased awareness, and improved options for treatment.

The influenza A virus is the virus that was responsible for the Spanish Flu in 1918, the Swine Flu in 2009, the Asian Flu in 1957, the Honk Kong Flu in 1968, the Bird Flu in 2004, and other infections that have affected pigs and birds as well.

Hydration can be achieved through sufficient liquid intake, but food contributes to hydration as well because of its water content. Roughly 20% of a person's water comes from food. Some foods have very high water content, such as watermelons and cucumbers.

Scoliosis often runs in the family so those with other family members with scoliosis should be checked regularly by their doctor as well.

In 2006, LG released a mobile phone in South Korea that had a built-in breathalyser that could assess the users health when drunk, as well as potentially combat drunk-calling.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Health Wellness. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Health Wellness so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor