Brain Function facts
While investigating facts about Brain Function Map and Brain Function Test, I found out little known, but curios details like:
It is suggested that staring at fire improved brain functions such as memory and problem solving in early humans
how brain functions?
Exercising makes you both more productive and happier for the day that you exercise. It affects your brain function and memory, and the positive effect lasts for the entire day.
What brain functions are on the right side?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what brain functions are on the left side. Here are 50 of the best facts about Brain Function Vitamins and Brain Functions And Parts I managed to collect.
what brain functions are affected by dementia?
The Megaphragma mymaripenne wasps are smaller than amoebas, at just 200 micrometers in length they have a functional brain and are capable of vision, flight, searching for food and places to lay eggs.
Shakespeare intentionally made grammatical errors to heighten the attention of his audiences before key points in his plays - the technique is called 'functional shift' and the use of it keeps the brain alive!
"chemical imbalance" as a cause of depression is overly simplified, and "researchers believe that — more important than levels of specific brain chemicals — nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression."
It's possible to be declared brain-dead falsely because most physicians look at the brain stem, which controls heart and lung functions, but not the cortex, which coordinates consciousness
Left-brain vs. Right-brain dominance is a myth. Lateralization is unique in every individual and researchers can not find any evidence that one side of the brain or another works by itself for functions of our personalities.
A Pennsylvania man survived 12 hours laying frozen by the side of the road in subzero temperatures because the low temperatures preserved his brain and other organ functions.
It has been suggested that full-time jobs are best for young brains whereas working more than 25 hours a week might impair cognitive function for people over 40.
A chicken named Mike lived for 18 months with no head. When cutting the head off for dinner, the axe missed his jugular and most of his brain stem, allowing him to retain most of his basic motor and reflex functions
Some animals like frogs and lizards have a third eye, a very small grey oval between their two regular eyes, which functions as a photoreceptor connected directly to the pineal gland to tell their brain when it is day or night while the regular eyes are closed
If your brain was cut down the middle the two halves would function independently, almost like another person is sharing your body.
Brain Function data charts
For your convenience take a look at Brain Function figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is it difficult to investigate brain function?
You can easily fact check what is lateralization and why is it important in the way our brain functions by examining the linked well-known sources.
Dark-skinned people living in northern Europe require six times as much UVB than white pigmented persons. Those living there with dark-skin are more susceptible to cancers, decreased brain function, and bone disease.
Blind sight, a type of blindness where the eyes are still functional. As a result, the individual is not physically aware of their surroundings, but their brain can subconsciously see and avoid obstacles. - source
Trauma which happens to adolescents causes significant, lasting changes to the brain resulting in life-long PTSD, increased cortisol, increased amygdala function, and decreased medial prefrontal/anterior cingulate function which lasts into late adulthood. - source
It's been scientifically proven that alcohol increases creativity. It reduces the executive function, while boosting imagination and inner consciousness as shown by increased activity in the superior temporal gyrus, an area of the brain directly above the ear.
Scientists can take neurons from the skin and graft them into the brain. These neurons become fully functional and integrated into the brain. - source
When does a fetus have brain function?
People with a stutter can sing without stuttering because the brain functions differently while speaking than when singing
How brain functions pdf?
The majority of Alzheimer's Victims die from pneumonia, their brains don't function well enough tell them to eject food or fluid out of their lungs via coughing
The blood of young mice rejuvenates the brain function of old mice
In 1945 a farmer chopped off a chicken's head, missed the jugular vein, a clot formed and some of the brain stem survived, providing basic homeostasis functions. Mike the headless chicken toured in sideshows for 18 months and earned the farmer $4,500/ month at the peak of his popularity
Root of white peony is herbal remedy used in treatment of convulsions and hypercholesterolemia and to improve function of brain and liver.
There's no "left brain vs. right brain" in terms of logic vs. creativity. The hemispherical breakdown in the brain is mostly to control a specific side of the body in terms of motor functions. Things like analytics, creativity, and other higher functions are spread out between both hemispheres.