Creative Thinking facts
While investigating facts about Creative Thinking Definition and Creative Thinking Techniques, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Researches at Harvard and Columbia concluded that Sarcasm promotes Creative Thinking because both the expressers and recipients of sarcasm need to overcome the contradiction between the literal and actual meanings of the sarcastic expressions.
how creative thinking helps in problem solving?
A Harvard Business School research found that sarcasm is the "highest form of intelligence," as "interpretation and construction of sarcasm lead to greater creativity because they activate abstract thinking."
What creative thinking means?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering describe what creative thinking is. Here are 21 of the best facts about Creative Thinking Skills and Creative Thinking Examples I managed to collect.
what's creative thinking?
Ceiling height affects how you think and act, higher ceilings promote creativity while lower promotes concentrated, rational thinking
The Cathedral Effect. When ceiling height is conspicuously low or high it can promote different kinds of thinking, with higher ceilings promote abstract thinking and creativity and lower ceilings promoting concrete and detail-oriented thinking.
The inventor of the floppy disk, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, would nearly drown himself to death in order to come up with ideas, believing the lack of oxygen would help him think creatively.
Ceiling height of a particular room can influence the thinking of people in that room. High ceilings make people more creative, whereas low ceilings make people pay more attention to details.
When our brains are tired, they are capable of thinking more creatively than when they are not tired.
Reading news is not good for your health. It leads to fear aggression and hinders your creativity and ability to think deeply.
Children develop more creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills when they throw away Lego instructions and build things together with others using their own imagination. Routine, manual jobs are increasingly automated, whereas the 'new work' is non-routine cognitive
In 1959, Isaac Asimov was approached by DARPA to join their missile defense research team. He declined, saying his ability to write freely would be impaired. However, he did submit a paper to DARPA titled "On Creativity" with ideas on how government employees could think more creatively.
A moderate level of ambient noise (around 70dB), can help enhance creative thinking.
The clock on Bolivia's congress building goes backwards in order to encourage creative thinking.
Creative Thinking data charts
For your convenience take a look at Creative Thinking figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why creative thinking is important in strategic planning?
You can easily fact check why creative thinking is important in business by examining the linked well-known sources.
Scientists found that caffeine increases the entropy of the human brain (and that's a good thing for creative thinking).
Marijuana does not influence creativity (divergent thinking) - source
According to a 2015 study sarcasm can promote creative thinking. - source
Boredom allows people to be more creative and to think in their subconscious mind enabling the use of different neural pathways which in turn produces more creative ideas
Several studies have indeed shown that physical exercise in healthy adults may sometimes enhance creative thinking . - source
Magnetic stripe cards (such a credit cards) were made possible thanks in part to the creative thinking of a house wife!
How creative thinking is important?
Incentivising people to do tasks often makes them think logically and less creatively
Distractions can actually be a good thing for creative thinking!
In a longitudinal study (same people at different ages) 98% of 3-5 year olds tested scored as a genius in creative thinking but only 2% did as adults. School literally sucks the creativity out of us.