Middle East facts
While investigating facts about Middle East Map and Middle East Airlines, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Writing was likely only invented from scratch three times in history: in the Middle East, China, and Central America. All other alphabets and writing systems were either derived from or inspired by the the others, or were too incomplete to fully express the spoken language.
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The Middle East is experiencing its worst drought in 900 years
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what middle east country is the richest. Here are 50 of the best facts about Middle Eastern Food Near Me and Middle Eastern Food I managed to collect.
what's middle east?
An Italian artist wanted to hitch-hike to the Middle East to show that she could put her trust in the kindness of local people. She was found murdered in Turkey.
In 2002, Bruce Willis' daughter suggested giving Girl Scout cookies to troops. He bought 12,000 boxes and delivered them to troops stationed throughout the Middle East.
Saladin, the fabled hero of the Islamic world who repelled the attacks of European invaders during the Crusades and left a monumental mark on the history of the Middle East was, in fact, a Kurd.
During filming Lawrence of Arabia, Peter O'Toole added foam rubber to his camel saddle to increase comfort. This eventually spread across the Middle East and O'Toole was called the "Father of Rubber"
After working on the US bid for the 1986 World Cup, Henry Kissinger was quoted as saying "The politics of FIFA, they make me nostalgic for the Middle East".
Many European maps during the Middle Ages had the East on top instead of the North, thus "to orient" meant to align the map to the East, the Orient.
The last great tank battle of the 20th century" took place in the middle of nowhere in the Iraqi desert. Since there were no nearby towns or landmarks, the Battle of 73 Easting had to be named after its map coordinates.
The Middle East used to be covered in vast forests, but was deforested for building projects causing erosion that turned much of the area into desert.
Bruce Willis bought 12,000 girl scout cookies from his daughter and sent them to troops in the middle east and sailors among the USS John F Kennedy
Sesame, a particle accelerator being built in the Middle East. Modelled on CERN which was set up after WW2 to bring together scientists from former adversaries in Europe, it allows researchers from openly hostile countries to collaborate. Israel, Iran and Palestine are founding members.
Middle East data charts
For your convenience take a look at Middle East figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why middle east is in conflict?
You can easily fact check why middle east war by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Arab slave-trade trafficked 10-18 million people from Africa, Europe and Asia to the Middle east.
75% of the US's oil comes from North and South America, not the Middle East. - source
Ancient peoples in the Middle East and India tamed Cheetahs and trained them to ride horses. - source
The divide between West Germany and East Germany was so sharply defined it lead to houses and buildings being split down the middle
Cats domesticated themselves 10,000 years ago in the Middle East. - source
When was oil discovered in the middle east?
The middle east had a "cold period" in the 900s-1000s and in the winter the Tigris river would Freeze and they would have thick snow on the ground for months in Baghdad.
How middle easterner?
The longest cable in the world is the SEA-ME-WE-3, which runs from Western Europe, through the Middle East and finally to South East Asia and it provides communication to 33 countries. It's 39,000 km long.
Cold War spy satellites from the 1960s took pictures of 10,000 ancient cities and ruins in the Middle East which nobody knew existed until they were re-examined in 2014. The images were made before modern cities overran many archaeological sites.
Same Sex Unions were performed in christian churches as early as 512 AD throughout Europe and the middle east.
Copper awl discovered in ancient grave is oldest metal object found in Middle East
Australia exports live camels to the Middle East as the disease free Australian camels are prized as a delicacy.
Middle east infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Middle East numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.
![middle east fact infographic about [WIP]Visualization of the conflicts in the Middle East and A](https://i.redd.it/99lyz0a4qjiz.png)
[WIP]Visualization of the conflicts in the Middle East and Africa