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Middle Eastern facts

While investigating facts about Middle Eastern Food Near Me and Middle Eastern Food, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There was a popular myth in many middle eastern countries that Neil Armstrong had converted to Islam upon hearing the call to prayer on the moon, going as far to require the state department to issue a denial

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Paul Van Riper gained notoriety after the Millennium Challenge 2002 wargame where he easily sank a whole US carrier battle group in the simulation with an inferior Middle-Eastern "red" team in the first two days.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what middle eastern leader grew up in milwaukee. Here are 50 of the best facts about Middle Eastern Countries and Middle Eastern Restaurant I managed to collect.

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  1. In Transformers canon there is a Middle-Eastern country called the Socialist Democratic Federated Republic of Carbombya. It's capital is Carbombya City.

  2. Tanks are called tanks because, when they were introduced in WWI, the British were trying to fool the Germans into thinking the weapons were water carriers for the Middle Eastern front of the war.

  3. The U.S. actually imports more oil from Canada than all of the Middle Eastern countries combined. Canada alone accounts for 40% of all U.S. oil imports

  4. Earning interest on loaned money originates from the lending of "food money" that was commonplace in Middle Eastern civilizations as early as 5000 B.C. The argument that acquired seeds and animals could "reproduce themselves" was used to justify interest.

  5. The original Middle Eastern tale of Aladdin is set in China and Aladdin implied to be of Chinese descent

  6. Cultural background affects our perception of time. Time perception differs dramatically across the globe. For example, Americans tend to think about time in 5-minute increments, while Middle Easterners do so in 15-minute increments.

  7. Mandaeism, an ancient Middle Eastern religion of ~70000 followers, who consider John the Baptist their main prophet of God. Jesus is rejected as a maligner of truth, while the Holy Spirit of other religions is actually an evil spirit.

  8. At the onset of WWI Germany gifted two warships to the Ottoman Empire for their safe harbour from the pursuing British. A gift that persuaded the Ottoman's to join the Central Powers, leading to its eventual collapse and creating many of today's Middle Eastern countries.

  9. "Fulla" is the name of an 11½ inch Barbie-like fashion doll marketed to children of Islamic and Middle-Eastern countries. Fulla's activities mostly include shopping, spending time with her friends, cooking, reading, and praying

  10. Western and Eastern Societies view Truth Differently. The West uses the Greek "Law of the Excluded Middle" (If one Argument is Right, The counter Argument MUST be Wrong). The East uses the Chinese "Doctrine of Mean" (Both Arguments are Partly Right and Wrong. The Truth is in the middle).

middle eastern facts
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You can easily fact check why middle eastern features photoshop cc disabled by examining the linked well-known sources.

Oman, a Middle Eastern country with a population of 3 million, donated the fourth largest amount of relief to Japan after the 2011 tsunami (¥1.07 billion), more than China and any European country.

Dried, ground fruit of sumac is used as spice that is especially popular in the Middle-Eastern cuisine. Its lemony flavor improves the taste of various salads and dishes made of meat.

Aladdin City, Florida was a Middle Eastern themed planned community near Miami that never was due to the Great Miami Hurricane in 1926 - source

The Mall of America is owned by a Middle Eastern Canadian man.

The Mongol military tactics and organization enabled the Mongol Empire to conquer nearly all of continental Asia, the Middle East and parts of eastern Europe. Each solider would cover up to 100 miles per day, which was unheard of by other armies of the time. - source

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Dick Dale's Misirlou was a cover of an old greek-middle eastern song.

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Djibouti cuisine is commonly made with Middle Eastern spices such as cinnamon and saffron. Common dishes include yetakeit wet (spicy stew), Fah-fah (spicy beef soup), and halva (a type of sweet).

Many middle easterners bore the brunt of the blame for the Oklahoma City bombing as they received accusations, had their cars shot up, and were issued death threats.

Israel has the highest standard of living of all Middle Eastern countries.

Southern Illinois is nicknamed "Little Egypt" for the number of Egyptian, Greek and Middle Eastern names of cities and towns in the region

Contrary to popular belief, the Nazi's did in fact welcome black North Africans and Middle-Eastern men to fight in their ranks within the Free Arabian Legion.

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According to the U.S. Census Bureau, people of Middle Eastern or North African descent are considered "White."

Middle Eastern hunters used to use hawks to gouge out the eyes of gazelle, then release Salukis to take down the blinded animal. Hunters also used to throw Salukis towards prey while riding camels, to give the dogs a running start.

T.E. Lawrence, a major player in the Middle Eastern concert of WWI, said in 1918: "If a Jewish state is to be created in Palestine, it will have to be done by force of arms and maintained by force of arms amid an overwhelmingly hostile population."

The name of Korea in English originates from the old Korean kingdom of Goryeo, which was interpreted as Korea by Middle Eastern travellers

The country of Jordan is the only middle eastern country to not have any oil of its own.

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The United States Census Bureau, whose definitions of racial categorizations are used by US based companies to collect census information from their employees, categorizes North Africans and Middle Eastern people as "White".

Also known as the Camel Bird, Syrian Ostrich or Middle Eastern Ostrich – the Arabian Ostrich existed for several million years and once roamed freely across the Middle East. The last of its kind died between 1940 and 1966 (sources seem unreliable to get an exact date).

After Japanese subs attacked 10 ships off the coast of California during WWII, a homeowner in Santa Cruz built an electronic anti-submarine device hidden in a middle eastern-style temple called the ‘Court of Mysteries.’ The device is said to have worked and his temple still stands today.

The Great Peacemaker, the 15th century co-founder of the Iroquois Confederacy, who is believed by some to come from a virgin birth and is revered as a Prophet in the Middle Eastern Bahá'í faith

In Saudi Arabia and some other Middle Eastern countries, first cousin marriages account for 60-70% of all marriages.

Ethiopians have been recieving Eurasion admixture for more than 20000 years and that a majority of Ethiopias population are genetically more related to Middle Easterners than their closest Subsaharan African neighbours

The Middle Eastern practice of men surrounding women to sexually harass them is called “taharrush” . In Egypt, they call this the “Circle of Hell.”

162 countries in the world have signed the Ottawa treaty, which bans landmines. All of Europe, South America, and war-torn central Africa signed the treaty. Only 33 countries have refused, including Russia, North Korea, China, most Middle Eastern countries, and the United States.

Ululation is a high-pitched sound made by women of middle eastern and African descent, in times of celebration

"Fulla" is the name of an 11½ inch Barbie-like fashion doll marketed to children of Islamic and Middle-Eastern countries. Fulla's activities mostly include shopping, spending time with her friends, cooking, reading, and praying

(whilst disputed) anthropologically, race is based on facial and cranial structure and so the term 'Caucasian' would not be limited to white people of European decent. Middle Easterners, Northern Indians and Northern Africans would all be considered Caucasians.

"Bloomberg classified Pakistan as a ‘frontier ecosystem’, but the country still gets more venture capital investment than its Middle Eastern counterparts."

The Northern Crusades, waged against Pagans in the Baltic region of Eastern Europe during the middle ages.

Beetlejuice's (Betelgeuse's) character was envisioned as a winged demon who takes on the form of a short Middle Eastern man who is intent on killing the Deetzes rather than scaring them, and wants to rape Lydia instead of marrying her.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Middle Eastern. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Middle Eastern so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor