Iraq Syria facts
While investigating facts about Iraq Syria Border and Iraq Syria War, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The world's first mental health hospital was built in Baghdad, Iraq in 705 AD. While mental health patients were being condemned, punished, and even burned in Europe, 8th and 9th century mental health patients in Iraq, Egypt, and Syria were given more proper hospitalization and treatment.
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In the Islamic state in Syria and Iraq, livestock at the market place have to have their genitalia covered with cloth so that “people do not have uncomely thoughts.”
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what continent is syria iraq and iran in. Here are 20 of the best facts about Iraq Syria Relations and Iraq Syria Map I managed to collect.
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Studies have reported that most Irish and Britons are descendants of farmers who left modern day Iraq and Syria 10,000 years ago.
Hulegu Khan conquered Iran, Syria, Iraq and surrounding areas, conquering west from China. He Destroyed the Assassin's stronghold at Alamut. He was only stopped in 1260 by Egyptian armies at Ain Jalut.
The US has spent over $4.79 Trillion on wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan and the Department of Homeland Security through 2016
The existence of the Druze, a utilitarian secretive sect living mostly in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, and Israel that combines Islam, Christianity, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Hinduism
The Sykes–Picot Agreement, was a secret pact between the United Kingdom & France. With assent from Russia & Italy, the pact was to defined to split the Ottoman Empire's territory after WW1 and maintain their spheres of influence. This pact also created the the countries of Syria & Iraq.
Iraq, Iran, and North Korea were referred to as the "Axis of Evil" in 2002. Cuba, Libya, and Syria were referred to as beyond the Axis of Evil.
The US military considers Israel and all of Turkey as part of the European COCOM but not Lebanon. Lebanon falls under CENTCOM along with Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Egypt (which is the only African Nation excluded from AFRICOM).
In 1942 a Syrian brown bear was adopted by the Polish army and became a member as Private Wojtek. He lived with the soldiers in tents and drank beer, wrestled, and smoked cigarettes with them. He travelled with the army through Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt helping transport ammunition.
In 2007 a whistleblower publicly revealed that the Pentagon had strategies and policies in motion to destabilize and topple governments in 7 countries starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and ending with Iran.
Wesley Clark got a memo from the Bush Administration about invading 7 countries in 5 years (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran)
Iraq Syria data charts
For your convenience take a look at Iraq Syria figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check which best explains why turkey syria and iraq by examining the linked well-known sources.
After the September 11th attacks Then General Wesley Clark was told that the US would attack 7 countries in 5 years including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
2007, General Wesley Clark Reveals US Plan To take down Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, And Iran - source
A.Q. Khan is single handedly responsible for the (or once active) nuclear weapons programs of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Pakistan and that the CIA wanted him dead - source
Faisal I was the King of Syria and the King of Iraq at various points in his lifetime.
ISIS's seemingly indiscriminate terrorist attacks are well planned, strategic events that help them solidify religious control over the Sunni population in Iraq and Syria - source
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USA military drops leaflets in Syria and Iraq, before bombing the targets, to avoid civilian casualties.
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12 years ago at the height of The Iraq War Donald Rumsfeld wrote the following memo "We need more coercive diplomacy with respect to Syria and Libya. If they mess up Iraq, it will delay bringing our troops home. We also need to solve the Pakistan problem And Korea doesn't seem to be going well
A declassified Pentagon report from 2012 predicted that US policy of arming the Jihadis in Syria could result in establishment of a Salafist 'principality' in Iraq & Syria while noting that this was a desirable result for West & GCC. In 2014, the 'Principality' emerged under the name ISIS.