Magnetic Tape facts
While investigating facts about Magnetic Tape Roll and Magnetic Tape Storage, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1969 Forrest Parry, an IBM engineer, had the idea to affix magnetic tape to a plastic card. Every adhesive failed. He went home frustrated. His wife was ironing when he walked in. She suggested he fuse the tape onto the card with the iron. It was a success, and the magstripe card was born.
how magnetic tape works?
There were so many overdubs during the recording of "Bohemian Rhapsody" that the magnetic tape used to record the song became virtually transparent.
What is magnetic tape in computer?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is magnetic tape in hindi. Here are 15 of the best facts about Magnetic Tape Bunnings and Magnetic Tape Measure I managed to collect.
what magnetic tape used for?
Sony created a magnetic tape that can store 185 TB of data in one cartridge, the equivalent of 3,700 dual layer Blu-ray discs.
IBM researchers made the first prototype of a credit card using magnetic tape and cardboard. That prototype sold at auction for over $20,000.
NASA erased the original transmitted footage of the Apollo 11 moonwalk because of a magnetic tape shortage in the following years
Within the next 20 years most original VHS tapes, Cassette tapes, and floppy disks will stop working due to magnetic decay.
George Church, an American geneticist, molecular engineer and chemist, wrote 5.5 petabits (687.5 terabytes) on a cubit millimeter of DNA. Showing that DNA can also be another type of storage medium such as hard drives and magnetic tapes.
About D-VHS, a digital VHS tape standard that allowed high-definition picture and sound to be recorded onto the formerly popular magnetic tape format.
The Space Shuttle onboard flight computers did not have enough memory to hold all of the programs for ascent, landing, and payload operations. Instead, these programs had to be loaded manually from magnetic tape by astronauts.
Magnetic tape is still researched, viable and competitive medium for large scale data storage
Nazis played a key role in the birth of the laugh track. After WWII, Americans discovered Nazi-made magnetic tape, which could be recorded over, cut and spliced together. Bing Crosby used this technology to add a different reaction to one of his jokes by splicing in a past laugh.
Keurig 2.0 models have hidden software that can be accessed via a simple magnet. You can brew more than the standard max of 10 ounces by taping a magnet over the hidden sensor.
Magnetic Tape data charts
For your convenience take a look at Magnetic Tape figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is magnetic tape used for backup?
You can easily fact check why is magnetic tape still used for storage by examining the linked well-known sources.
Before the 8-track player, there was a similar technology that used soft plastic instead of magnetic tape: the Tefifon.
The first system marketed as a word processor was a 1964 IBM electric typewriter with integrated magnetic tape recording and playback facilities. - source
The US IRS uses magnetic tape storage for holding taxpayer returns, and it lacks the funds to upgrade this system. - source