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Vinyl Records facts

While investigating facts about Vinyl Records Online and Vinyl Records Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Jazz on bones" or "Ribs" were bootleg vinyl recordings made from old x-rays with holes burned in the middle from cigarettes. In the 50's and 60's they were a black market method for smuggling banned music into the Soviet Union such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and Elvis.

how vinyl records are made?

There are only 2 companies in the world still making vinyl record lacquer...and one is an elderly Japanese man doing it in his garage!

What vinyl records are most valuable?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what vinyl records are valuable. Here are 50 of the best facts about Vinyl Records Value and Vinyl Records Uk I managed to collect.

what vinyl records are worth money?

  1. Radio GTMO, the Armed Forces radio station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has a vinyl collection of over 20,000 records, including some albums that exist nowhere else.

  2. Because a shortage of vinyl recording material and censorship of some Western music during the Soviet era, bootleg recordings known as Ribs, Bones or roentgenizdat were produced on discarded medical X-ray prints.

  3. The new £5 note that was recently created can play vinyl records when you press the corner into the groves of the vinyl.

  4. The groove on a vinyl record is on average around 500 meters long

  5. RCA spent 17 years trying to find a way to put movies on vinyl records. In 1981 they finally achieved this, marketing the SelectaVision system. Unfortunately by the time they finished researching the system, someone had invented the VHS video tape.

  6. There is a record player that substitutes lasers for the needle, which prevents damage to the vinyl.

  7. In Soviet Russia, people bootlegged forbidden Western music, but due to vinyl being in short supply, they would often use old x-rays, creating eerie-looking, hand-crafted records.

  8. In the mid-1980s, before digital circuitry became affordable, Nissan used tiny vinyl records for their voice warning system (to tell drivers doors were open, for example)

  9. Rock music was smuggled into Soviet Russia in the form of “Bone Music”: since there was no vinyl, records were pressed onto used X-Ray images.

  10. Up to half of the people who buy vinyl records do not listen to them.

vinyl records facts
What vinyl records are worth money uk?

Why vinyl records are expensive?

You can easily fact check why vinyl records are best by examining the linked well-known sources.

Because Western music were so hard to come by in Soviet Russia, a counter culture known as the “stilyagi” began developing bootleg vinyl records from X-rays—also known as “bones”—that they would then sell on the black market. Getting caught with one resulted in 3-5 years in a hard labor camp.

For years, Soviet hipsters (stilyagi) bootlegged vinyl records onto x-ray paper after it was banned by the government - it was called "bone music" - source

Bone Music: in the Soviet Union, people craved Western pop music but vinyl was scarce, so they printed records on used x-rays - source

There is a company that will press a vinyl record that contains your ashes with your favourite music.

After you die, there is a company that will press your cremated ashes into a vinyl record. - source

When vinyl records were invented?

Last year the music industry earned more from vinyl record sales than it did from YouTube

How vinyl records work?

Alice Cooper's 5th studio album, 1972's "School's Out", caused a national stir because the vinyl records were sold and packaged in a pair of panties.

There is a physician who can look at a vinyl record and tell what song it is only based on the grooves.

Vinyl record sales generated more income for musicians than all the streaming services put together

When you die, there's a company that will turn your cremated remains into a vinyl record designed to play on turntables.

The country of Bhutan produced a set of stamps in 1972 that were actually tiny playable vinyl records.

When did vinyl records come out?

A Czech Republic firm, a holdover from Communist days, is now the world’s largest presser of vinyl disks. The company, once down to 500 employees, now employs 2,000, and business is growing to the tune of 25 million records this year.

Before forming The White Stripes, Jack White worked as an upholsterer. Here he hid 100 vinyl copies of his then-band The Upholsterers’ records by stitching them into furniture. As of 2014, only two copies had been discovered.

A promotional record of 'Journey Through the Secret Life of Plants' by Stevie Wonder featured seeds between the clear vinyl layers. A piece of paper coming out of the record allowed the seeds to reach water. They would germinate and grow within the record, making it the only real 'live' record.

Though forgotten in the English-speaking world, the LaserDisc (essentially a DVD as big as a vinyl record) was widely popular in Southeast Asia and was the dominant video rental format in Hong Kong in the 1990s.

RCA developed an analog video disk called the Selectavision that could play movies with a needle and grooves like a vinyl record

How to clean vinyl records?

VinylDisc; a rare hybrid format that is a CD on one side, and a vinyl record on the other

Minutemen & Black Flag recorded a secret jam session then agreed to release the project only after one band had disbanded. "Minuteflag" was released after D. Boon's death. Etched into the vinyl was this message: “If There’s One Thing Life Can Guarantee … It’s In Keeping It’s Meaning A Mystery.”

A form of turntablism that uses software called vinyl emulation software instead of records emerged in the 1990s in the US called "chopped and screwed".

What many agree is the best performance AND recording of a Led Zeppelin concert is a bootleg called "Listen to this, Eddie," taped in June 1977 at the LA Forum, by audience member Mike Millard, and illegally released on vinyl.

There were greeting cards with vinyl records, and can be folded into small manualy operated record player

The infamous reporting of the Hindenburg disaster was not an actual live broadcast but was recorded to vinyl and it wasn't until the next day that radio listeners heard it.

The band Information Society included a .txt file on a vinyl record. The song could be accessed by configuring a modem to listen to a "noise" track from the album that was had the instructions to decode the audio as its track name

In the UK, in December of 2016, Vinyl sales made more than downloads. In one week Vinyl sales made the record industry £2.4m, while downloads made £2.1m

Soviets made black-market vinyl records out of old X-ray plates etched with grooves. The purpose was to get around the heavy censorship in the USSR, since X-rays are easy to obtain and don't look like records.

That, contrary to popular beliefs, the outro of the song Mr. Blue Sky does not, in fact, say ‘Mr. Blue Sky-y’ but rather ‘Please turn me over’. This is because this track is placed at the end of the vinyl record, with the rest of the album on the other side.

Artist Rutherford Chang bought 100 vinyl copies of the Beatles White Album, played them on 100 record players simultaneously and recorded it as an art piece.

Before iPod, there was a portable music player even smaller than a Walkman; which plays vinyl records [1936]

Zero Freitas, a Brazilian who owns the world's biggest vinyl record collection (over eight million records), only 250k of which have been cleaned and cataloged by his assistants. His biggest acquisition was a purchase of three million records from Paul Mawhinney in 2013.

Arthur Lintgen can identify the song on a vinyl record by looking at it with the naked eye.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Vinyl Records. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Vinyl Records so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor