Mental Health facts
While investigating facts about Mental Health Awareness Month and Mental Health First Aid, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A low sense of control is highly associated with anxiety, depression, and virtually all mental health problems. Researchers have found that a low sense of control is one of the most stressful things that people can experience."
how mental health is important?
91 year old Jimmy Carter became cancer free after months of treatment for a deadly cancer that spread to his brain. His doctor said, "He's a physically and mentally active individual who's in the best health possible for someone in his age group..."
What's mental health issues?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what mental health awareness. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mental Health Awareness and Mental Health Act I managed to collect.
what's mental health?
James Huberty called a mental health clinic, asking for an appointment. His politeness conveyed no urgency to the operator and his call was logged as a "non-crisis" inquiry, to be handled within 2 days. The next day he committed of the worst killing sprees in America.
Civilian Public Service (CPS), a US government program that provided conscientious objectors with an alternative to military service during World War II. CPS draftees fought forest fires, helped reform an abusive mental health system, and even acted as test subjects in medical experiments.
Sunshine has a larger effect on mental health than temperature or rain.
In 2008 four Scientologists held a woman captive for 6 weeks for ‘Introspection Rundown’, a Church treatment for mental health issues. Police rescuers found her traumatized, semi-nude in a room full of trash. Despite arrests, there’s no indication the Scientologists were convicted on any charges
Benjamin Franklin created mental health institutions in Philadelphia paid for by a tax on Authors (like himself) "because they happened to get a greater share of intelligence at birth just as the retarded happened to get less."
James Huberty called a mental health clinic, left his name, and waited for hours for them to return his call. His name was written down as "Shouberty" and the call was a non-crisis because Huberty was so polite. The next day he carried out one of America's worst rampage killings.
Bullying, child abuse, and stress causes children to age faster at a cellular level and leads to physical and mental health problems even decades later, including an earlier death.
Studies show vegans have significantly higher rates of mental health issues
A programmer developed an operating system called TempleOS since 2003. Hospitalized for mental health problems, he believes that TempleOS is literally the Third Temple as biblically prophesied. Per God's "instructions," the OS uses a 640x480, 16 color display, and uses the language HolyC.
When a mental health facility in New Jersey caught fire, a newspaper ran the headline "Roasted Nuts"
Mental Health data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mental Health figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why mental health nursing?
You can easily fact check why mental health first aid by examining the linked well-known sources.
In the 1980s the Russian medical staff of the Algerian football team gave the players performance-enhancing drugs while playing for their country, without their knowledge or consent. Years later, the children of many players suffer from disabilities and mental health problems.
James Huberty called a mental health clinic, left his name, and waited for hours for them to return his call. His name was written down as "Shouberty" and the call was a non crisis because Huberty was so polite. 1 day later he carried out one of Americas worst rampage killings. - source
In Vietnam, marriage applicants must acquire a Certificate of Good Mental Health from a doctor, proving that they are "mentally sound for marriage", before being allowed to marry. - source
During the CIA's experiments in brainwashing/mind control, a mental health patient was subjected to a 174 day acid trip.
When her son showed signs of mental illness, the mother of the Virginia Tech shooter sought an exorcism from a church rather than mental health professionals - source
When mental health awareness month?
An increasing number of schools and companies in Japan encourage their students and employees to cry as a way of relieving stress and improving mental health. There are also people who are called "namida sensei" meaning "tears teacher"
How mental health help?
The American Psychiatric Association officially banned its members from commenting on a public figure’s mental health without examining them. The policy is known as the Goldwater rule.
The town of Geel, Belgium which practices de-institutionalized mental health care. Doctors place patients with host families to live. The tradition of caring for the mentally ill dates back hundreds of years.
Many Americans who need mental health services never get it because doing so could disqualify them from receiving life insurance
Vegetarians were found to be twice as likely to suffer from depression than the general population. Among possible causes, diets low in B-12, too much Omega-6 which is linked to mental health issues, and higher amounts of phytoestrogens due to soy based diets.
Mental health infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Mental Health numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

What is the generational change across coping mechanisms? [UPDATED] (Mental health app research, n:369)