Forced Labor facts
While investigating facts about Forced Labor Definition and Forced Labor Tagalog, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Mace Kingsley Ranch, a Scientology Private School where students were forced to do hard labor and the director, Wally Hanks, would punish the students with beatings (he was caught on audio tape). The school shut down in 2002.
how forced labor in eritrea is linked to e.u.-funded projects?
Scientology ran a forced child labor camp in Austrailia
What forced labor camps?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is forced labor trafficking. Here are 50 of the best facts about Forced Labor Examples and Forced Labor Meaning I managed to collect.
what's forced labor?
Nearly one third of the American labor force works on the weekend
German Reformation leader Martin Luther was extremely antisemitic and advocated forced labor, expulsion, the burning of synagogues, of Jewish schools, and of Jewish books, and even their murder.
Slavery didn't end after the Civil War. Until 1945, a system of neoslavery existed whereby African Americans could be arrested for not having jobs, then sold to companies like U.S. Steel through a "convict lease" system to do forced labor.
The word "robot" was coined for a 1920 Czech play about a robot rebellion (which ends poorly for the human race). The word comes from the Czech "robota" meaning "forced labor".
In the North Korean Gulag daily rations amount to less than 500 calories per day, the physically challenged are forced to do hard labor and the death rate is 1,000 to 2,000 per year.
The word "robot" comes from an old Slavic word, robota, meaning "forced labor".
There is a highway in Russia known as the Road of Bones, as the skeletons of the forced laborers who died during its construction were used in much of its foundations
Once WWII ended, ethnic German civilians fell victim to mass-murders, mass-rapes, torture, and forced labor all throughout Europe.
South Korea withdrew its opposition to Hashima Island being made a UNESCO world heritage site, on the condition Japan acknowledge its use of Korean forced laborers. Immediately after the site was approved, Japan's Foreign Minister backtracked on earlier statements.
Indonesians are the most charitable people in the world. "Despite having a steady economy and labor force, 40 percent of the country lives below the poverty line, making their number one ranking even more impressive and inspiring."
Forced Labor data charts
For your convenience take a look at Forced Labor figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is forced labor a problem?
You can easily fact check why was a system of forced labor needed in the new world by examining the linked well-known sources.
Starting in 1869, more than 100,000 poor and orphaned children from the UK were sent to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa to help with the shortage of Labor. Many of the children were forcefully taken away from their parents and used for slave labor.
A congressional report in 1998 found despite the postal service accounting for less than 1% of the full-time civilian labor force, 13% of workplace homicides were committed at postal facilities by current or former employees - source
It is estimated that 1 in 5 victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima were Korean conscripts, brought over as forced labor. - source
In 1790 approximately 90 percent of the U.S labor force were farmers. By 1990 it was 2.6 percent.
Hugo Boss founded his company in 1924, ten years later advertising that he had been a "supplier for National Socialist uniforms since 1924", eventually used POW's and forced laborers for mass production. - source
When trafficked for forced labor the trafficked person is working in?
It is estimated that upwards of one-third of all cases related to forced domestic labor involve diplomats.
How to stop forced labor?
Dachau was originally intended to house communists, anarchists, and other political prisoners for forced labor, but as the war dragged on more and more Jews were sent to the camp.
Arkansas had prisons using forced labor for farming that produced profits of $1.4 million annually while the same prisoners were given poor quality/quantities of food and endured torture such as the "Tucker telephone", a device that sent electrical currents through the genitals.
The Soviet forced labor camps were little more than concentration camps for ethnic Germans. The camps had very high mortality rates.
Forced labor of German citizens was one of the most controversial points of the Yalta agreement. Germans were forced to work for the Allies as part of their war reparations. Not only were German POWs forced to work for the Allies, but also thousands of women.
Number of children forced into underage labor is estimated to be around 150 million. If they were a country, it would be the 9th largest in the world.
Forced labor infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Forced Labor numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Labor Force and Unemployment Rate in California - Dec. 2018