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Factory Workers facts

While investigating facts about Factory Workers Crossword Clue and Factory Workers Crossword, I found out little known, but curios details like:

North Korea is obsessed with Choco Pies from S Korea. There's a black market for them, and factories once used them to pay worker bonuses. In 2014, S Korean activists sent 10K pies to NK with helium balloons. After an injured NK defector crossed the DMZ in 2017, he was given a lifetime supply.

how much do nike factory workers make?

In 1921 a group of workers in a fertilizer factory stuck dynamite in a 4.5k lbs block of hardened ammonium nitrate to loosen it up. The resulting explosion killed 500 people, destroyed 80% of the surrounding homes and ripped the roofs off of buildings 15 miles away.

What factory workers at the sticker factory do?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what workers at the sticker factory do crossword. Here are 50 of the best facts about Factory Workers In China and Factory Workers Needed In Trinidad I managed to collect.

what factory workers do?

  1. Police investigators spent years chasing the "Phantom of Heilbronn," a female serial killer whose DNA was found at dozens of crime scenes. Investigators finally discovered that the DNA belonged to a factory worker who made the cotton swabs used to collect DNA samples.

  2. Cards Against Humanity paid for all the workers at their factory in China that make the cards to go on a week long vacation, their first apparently.

  3. When a factory worker from Wonka was asked about the production of Nerds candy, he said "Basically we start off with a sugar crystal and we just keep coating it with more sugar."

  4. If Apple finds an underage worker in a factory of a supplier, They make the supplier return the child to their home, pay for their education, and pay for their basic needs until they are of working age. They also must offer them re-employment.

  5. A factory worker saved 34 lives from the 9-story Rana Plaza collapse. Against all warnings, he climbed inside the rubble to pull people to safety. When a doctor was too afraid to go in to amputate the limbs of some that were trapped, the worker took a knife and did it himself to save them.

  6. Chinese-run factories in Prato, Italy, the majority of which underpay workers and force them to work in horrific conditions, allow designers to put 'Made in Italy' on their labels, and charge a premium because consumers think they are buying ethically produced goods.

  7. An Italian street dog named Fido who was found injured and nursed back to health by a factory worker still returned to his owner's bus stop to wait for him every day for 14 years after his owner had died.

  8. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined

  9. In 2001, workers took over a struggling factory after their employer refused to provide them with a travel allowance and left the business for dead. Soon, they had made new clients, paid off the factory debts, and raised their salaries. The factory continues to run as a co-operative.

  10. During the Battle of Stalingrad, factories in the city continued to produce tanks. These tanks, unpainted and lacking gunsights, were driven directly from the factory floor to the front line and were often crewed by factory workers.

factory workers facts
What are factory workers called?

Why was factory life particularly hard for skilled workers?

You can easily fact check why were factory workers available by examining the linked well-known sources.

When a factory worker from Wonka was asked about the production of Nerds candy, he said "Basically we start off with a sugar crystal and we just keep coating it with more sugar."

The munitions factory used by Oskar Schindler to save 1200 Jewish workers during WWII is set to be turned into a Holocaust Memorial and Exhibition. - source

The Dodge Brothers built all of the engines for Oldsmobile and all of the parts for the Ford Model T. They also served beer to employees at the factory on hot days and had a part of the plant called the “Play Pen” where workers could invent and create things after hours. - source

Workers in Cuban cigar factories would employ a "Lector" who would read newspapers, political treatises and classical literature to break the monotony of the cigar-rollers' work, so even illiterate cigar-rollers would be well-informed and familiar with great literature.

In 1921, workers at an ammonium nitrate factory tried clearing a clogged silo with dynamite. The resulting explosion killed 500 people and left 6500 homeless. - source

When caroline's dress factory hires two workers?

In 2013, 3000 workers at a garment factory in Gazipur, Bangladesh went on strike, some even rioting, not for better pay or working conditions, but because they wanted something to be done about the ghost inhabiting the bathroom.

How much do factory workers make?

During the Civil War, the workers of Manchester England voted to support the blockade, meaning they’d get no goods for their cloth factories. Lincoln sent a most eloquent Thank You letter.

When Apple finds underage workers in its suppliers’ factories they make the suppliers return the children to their homes, pay for their education and continue to provide income for basic needs until they reach the legal working age. After this, suppliers must offer them reemployment.

In 1915 Closing and Opening times in pubs had to be implemented to stop factory workers showing up to work drunk and harming the war effort

The Radium Girls were factory workers who contracted radiation poisoning from painting watch dials with self-luminous paint. The women were told the paint was harmless, and ingested deadly amounts by licking their paintbrushes; some painted their fingernails and teeth with the glowing paint.

Basketball sensation Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike each year than all the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.

When the factory hundreds of workers were laid off?

If Apple finds underage workers in their factories, they make the suppliers return the children to their homes, pay for their education at a school of their family’s choice, and continue to provide income for basic needs until they reach the legal working age.

In 1908 a New England mill became the first American factory to institute the 5 day week. It did so to accommodate Jewish workers whose observance of Saturday sabbath forced them to work on Sundays, which offended some in the Christian majority. Other factories followed suit soon after.

Engineers have the 5th highest suicide rate of all professions, right after factory workers.

Foxconn workers live in dormitories at the factory, and are forbidden from cooking or having visitors

During The Great War, China sent 185,000 workers (100,000 in UK, 35,000 in France, 50,000 in Russia) to work in the European front, for various tasks: unloading military goods, digging trenches, constructing barracks and field hospitals, burying victims of war, working in armament factories.

How much do chinese factory workers make?

In Russia there is a city called Sverdlovsk, where about 100 factory workers died in 1979 after a filter was removed and not replaced at a neighbouring military factory producing Anthrax spores

About "The Radium Girls", female factory workers who contracted radiation poisoning from painting watch dials with self-luminous paint. The women, told the paint was harmless, ingested deadly amounts of radium after being instructed to "point" their brushes between their lips for a fine point.

A tanning salon was installed in an undeground bullet factory in Israel so the workers would seem like they were working in fields and not in a clandestine job.

The Kit Kat chocolate bar can trace its origins to a worker at the chocolate bar factory who put a note in the suggestion box saying the company should invent a chocolate bar that “a man could take to work in his pack up”.

"Deep in the Heart of Texas" was banned by the BBC during World War Two as factory workers would stop to clap in time with the song.

Amazon is trying to shame workers out of stealing by making factory workers watch a video about wayward co-workers when they clock in every morning.

For his song, “Ain’t No Sunshine,” Bill Withers intended to write more lyrics instead of repeating the phrase "I know" 26 times, but followed advice of other musicians to leave it, “I was this factory worker puttering around," Withers said. "So when they said to leave it like that, I left it."

After the Chilean coup in 1973 workers in a Rolls Royce factory in the town of East Kilbride, Scotland refused to work on parts used by Pinochet's air force, essentially grounding the entire fleet and saving many prisoner's lives

The Creators of Cards Against Humanity bought the factory that produced their cards so it's workers could get a paid vacation for a week.

The "Radium Girls" were female workers in a glow-in-the-dark watch-painting factory. Their case made legal history by establishing a precedent of holding employers accountable for occupational diseases after they were severely irradiated by radium ingestion.

In 1890, the average workweek for factory workers was 100 hours and 102 hours for construction workers.

At the time, although some states imposed restrictions on the age of workers, in some other states there were children as young as 5 or 6 years old working in mines, factories, and mills.

There was an alarm clock sortage in the second world war, due to all the factories being converted for war. Workers subsequently missed their shifts as a result, and were one of the first consumer good to be made after the war ended.

A robot killed a factory worker in 1981. A robotic factory arm crushed an employee at the Kawasaki plant.

A chemical previously used in microwave popcorn bags caused “popcorn lung” a cancer mainly affecting workers inhaling diacetyl in microwave popcorn factories.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Factory Workers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Factory Workers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor