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Link Comments facts

While investigating facts about Link Comments In Word and Link Comments In Excel, I found out little known, but curios details like:

NPR posted a link "Why doesn't America read anymore?" to their facebook page; the link led to an April Fool's message saying that many people comment on a story without ever reading the article & asking not to comment if you read the link; people commented immediately on how they do read

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According to Elon Musk, Top Gear completely faked their segment on Tesla and had in fact scripted the "breakdown" after which they pretended the car had to be pushed back to the garage before even receiving the car (additional links in comments)

What causes inflammation of the stomach lining?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what protects the lining of the stomach from acidic gastric juices. Here are 50 of the best facts about Link Comments To The Remarks Of Others and Link Comments Jira I managed to collect.

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  1. NPR posted a link "Why doesn't America read anymore?" to their Facebook page; the link led to an April Fool's message saying that many people comment on a story without ever reading the article & asking not to comment if you read the link; people commented immediately on how they do read.

  2. Payed, a common misspelling of paid, is an actual word that means an act of sealing the deck or seams of wooden ships with pitch to prevent water leakage. This makes it an atomic typo(link in comments)

  3. About Guy Tyler, who made hundreds of audio recordings of Native American languages. They provide an archive of languages in danger of being lost to erasure of native culture, as well as helped protect the sacred site at Ward Valley from becoming a nuclear waste dump [link to audio in comments].

  4. A man in his 70s is the only person to have run the NYC marathon every year since it began. He ran it in about 5 hours in 2014 (link in comments).

  5. The rat in James Cameron's "The Abyss" really was breathing a liquid; there is no theoretical reason that something similar couldn't be used by humans. (more links in comments)

  6. The Joint Chiefs of Staff planned a series of terrorist attacks on US cities, and wanted to blame Cuba, so they could invade it (more links in the comments).

  7. The Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure, the government's official collection of hilarious and unethical abuses of resources by employees (direct link in comments)

  8. Actor Joe Pesci (Goodfellas, Casino, Home Alone, My Cousin Vinny, etc.) originally started as a musician and played guitar in a band that later featured Jimi Hendrix. Pesci also had a great singing voice and released an album of pop-rock cover songs in 1968 (example link in comments)

  9. A bacteria called Geobacter metallireducens breaks down (some) metals and feeds on pure electrons. It lives on electricity. (Pop sci article link in comments)

  10. Kars for Kids and it's affiliates have been the subject of many investigations, penalties, and settlements across many states. (more links in comments)

link comments facts
What is the lining of the stomach called?

Link Comments data charts

For your convenience take a look at Link Comments figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

link comments fact data chart about Interactive chart showing every World cup, every team final
Interactive chart showing every World cup, every team final standings. Here's Brasil and Belgium. Link is in the comment section

link comments fact data chart about I made a 3D map of this year's Tour de France route [link in
I made a 3D map of this year's Tour de France route [link in comments]

Why put link in comments on facebook?

You can easily fact check why link in comments by examining the linked well-known sources.

There's a town in Wales called Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch which translates to 'The church of St. Mary in the hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's of the red cave'. (Link how to pronounce in comments)

Earth has a proposed official flag by the Swedish artist Oskar Pernefeldt. (Link to image of flag in comments) - source

In the Marvel Universe, rather than resign as U.S. President, Richard Nixon shot himself in the head in front of Captain America (issue 175, link to panel in comments) - source

Elvis Presley's sound, voice, and singing style is nearly identical to Otis Blackwell's who sold him songs including him singing and playing in recorded demos. Mr. Blackwell wrote some of Elvis's first hits like Don't be Cruel, All Shook Up, and Return To Sender. (Link to a demo in comments)

Fresh ground water flows through lava tubes, on some of the Hawaiian islands, and flows into the sea creating offshore freshwater springs. Fishermen of old knew how to spot such springs and could draw fresh water into their boats from them. (Addition sources linked in comments) - source

What happens when stomach lining is damaged?

Engineers at Purdue University got together in 90s on the best way to light a BBQ grill. They started with a hair dryer and ended with liquid oxygen. Link to video in the comments.

How to link comments in word?

The De Rebus Bellicis, A 4th-5th century Roman pamphlet by an unknown inventor suggesting new weapons to save the Empire, including automatic weapons, paddle-wheel warships, armored transports for troops, and other things. (Link to more photos in the comments)

A Cement Mixer Crashed Near Winganon, OK in 1959 - It Was Too Heavy For Locals to Move and Now It's Painted Like a Space Capsule (Google Map Link in Comments)

Frankie Goes To Hollywood's original music video for the song RELAX was banned in 1984 because it was shot in a leather bar featuring gay men and drag queens. - Video link in comments.

The main theme from The Last of The Mohicans was based on the instrumental song The Gael made by Dougie McLean for an exhibition about the Loch Ness Monster. Link to song in comments.

Nike has a shoe recycling program but their stores slash and throw away discontinued styles. Link to slashing article in comments.

Link comments infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Link Comments numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

link comments fact infographic about Words that distinguishes CNN and Fox News coverage on the da

Words that distinguishes CNN and Fox News coverage on the day following the Democratic candidates debate (Interactive version and comparison with other stations linked in comment)

link comments fact infographic about I developed a web app that lets you analyze your Telegram ch

I developed a web app that lets you analyze your Telegram chat in the browser. The image shows over four years of chat with my girlfriend - the huge spike in messages was when we d

When you blush the lining of your stomach?

"Butch" of the Little Rascals was a voice actor for Tex Avery's Merry Melodies. Specifically the voice for Owl Jolson's 'I love to Singa'. (Link in Comments)

In 1969, with a very passionate argument for the need for social and emotional education for children, Mr. Rogers spoke before the US Senate Subcommittee on Communications to support funding for PBS. Video link in comments.

A radio ad for Corn Nuts was pulled from some radio stations due to complaints. It was a jingle called "Bust a Nut" Link to ad in comments.

US Natl Parks are looking to raise fees to $70. Link to public comment in article.

Miles Davis said about Guča Trumpet Festival in Serbia: "I didn't know you could play trumpet that way" (links in comments)

How to put a clickable link in youtube comments?

There was a social experiment in which ten boys, ages 11-12, were allowed to live in a fully equiped house for 5 days without adult control while a camera crew documented everything. They also performed the same experiment with ten 12 year old girls (link in comments).

Films were colorized as early as 1902 by hand painting each frame, resulting in a fantastically bright color scheme. (Video link in comments.)

Dixie" was rewritten by union soldiers to make a parody song, including lines such as "a way down south in the land of traitors, snakes, and alligators... where cotton's king and men are chattels". link in comments to song.

A). There is always somewhere on earth where the wind is not blowing. B). This can be proven by something called the Hairy Ball Theorem. (link to time in comments)

The Star Wars Funk cover hit number 1 on the US pop charts (link to the song in the comments)

The Russian "Tsar Bomba" which was equal to ALL the explosives used in WWII multiplied by 10, was 3 times bigger than anything America ever exploded (Hiroshima/Nagasaki), and which can be launched by submarine off the coast of America (at *TWICE* the power). Additional links in comments.

None of my favorite nuts are actually nuts. Peanuts? Legumes! Cashews? Fruit! Walnuts, almonds, or pistachios? Seeds! Bonus link in the comments. (Deleted my original because it had the wrong link)

On April 1st 1997 Sony Studios played a prank on their viewers. Pat Sajak Hosted Jeopardy and Alex Trebek Hosted Wheel of fortune On which Vanna White and Pat Sajak were contestents. Link to the jeopardy episode in the comments.

When you run, 7gs of force are exerted upon your shoelaces. That's more force than the Tower of Terror in Johannesburg, the most forceful roller coaster in the world! (Easier to read link in comments)

It’s not the police unions who make it easy on cops when they are accused of something, it’s procedures codified into law in many states variously called, “Law Enforcement Bill of Rights”. (Overview in link. Florida specific in comments.)

About Projekt Misanthropia by a band called Stalaggh. This group used the deranged screams of the mentally disturbed to assemble the most terrifying record in recent history, with the goal of embodying the sounds of the Stalag concentration camp. (Album link in comments)

In 1979 the United States Department of Energy attempted to block the publication of a magazine that revealed the secret of how thermonuclear weapons actually work. (link to pdf of actual article in comments)

Peter Bird (UK) was the first person to row the width of the Pacific Ocean solo. He reattempted this in 1996.. 03/06/96 was the last contact anyone had with him.. never to be seen again, his baby son (Louis..) years later completed his legacy many years later. More links will be in the comments.

Delirium beer is named after Delirium Tremens, a potentially fatal effect of alcohol withdrawal featuring hallucinations, seizures, and irregular heart rate. Their logo, a pink elephant, comes from a common hallucination of alcoholics (additional link in comments).

The U.S. Military Preformed Experiments on U.S. Soldiers in Edgewood Using Nerve Gas Developed by the Nazis (More Links From The New Yorker in Comments)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Link Comments. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Link Comments so important!

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